My new flyrod issues...



New member
Feb 18, 2013
OK...I know I am new here...but I gotta say that while shopping for a new flyrod I find myself thinking about my girlfriend. I want my new flyrod to be more responsive and have more flex.....I want to be able to feel it all the way down to the butt....And I want my new flyrod to have more fast at times and slow at times....Capable of delicate presentations when needed....and to be a cannon when needed. Nice components is a plus too....

I think I have issues...
I'm pickin up what you're layin down so, maybe I've got issues too. :roll:
I think you asking to much from a single rod.
...and from a single girl.
I think what he's lookin for is saltpeter.
have the girlfriend buy you a good modern glass rod. if she refuses, get new girlfriend!
bikerfish wrote:
have the girlfriend buy you a good modern glass rod. if she refuses, get new girlfriend!

Not bad advise
The rod requires less maintenance, usually comes with a warranty and is generally easier to replace.
get more than one rod and GIRLFRIEND !!
RCFetter wrote:
The rod requires less maintenance, usually comes with a warranty and is generally easier to replace.

Don't forget CHEAPER
Your rod wont yell at you about using a kitchen cutting board to cut up foam strips for fly tying (yes, that happened the other night. it's a f*cking cutting board!)
As I got older I began to realize that the two most exciting things in life are:
My fly going down
And seeing my rod in a lady's hand
test drive as many as possible
One rod .A poor craftsman blames his tool s . GG
Your rod will never complain when you spend weekends with other rods.
Take the pink pill, you can't have a fast rod and a slower rod at the same time, but you can get a nice compromise. Go to several fly shops and ask to see and cast some rods. That is the only way to know and even then you'll ask yourself, did I get the right rod?
With threads like this, the mods should get credit on their purgatory time.
but threads like this are fun and harmless, no name calling crap!
This thread made my night