Must Have March Brown and Sulphur Patterns

ryguyfi wrote:
A few people at the JAM turned me onto a sulphur spinner pattern that slayed them compared to a rusty spinner last year.

Microfibets for the tail
orange dubbing for egg sack
whatever sulphur color you like for the body
catskill style hackle wraps and CUT the bottom flush.

Increased my takes on the spinners immensely over a rusty spinner.

I like parachutes for sulphurs. Can't wait to fish them for the JAM again this year.

Are these tied in a 14? Also what color hackle, will dun hen hackle work?
Matt...for the hackled spinners, you want to use the best dry fly hackle that you can find. I use light and medium dun. They are also known as ComparaSpinners. I carry the rusty spinner vrsion in sizes from 8 to 18 and the Sulpher version in sizes 12-18.
I like hackle-wing spinner patterns because I find them much more effective than synthetic wing patterns.

My favorite hackle wing spinner uses high quality dry fly hackle in light dun as Festus mentioned above. I simply tie a parachute fly with extra long hackle and using hi-vis poly yarn for the post. I gather together the hackle and figure eight over-under-and-around the post with a small amount of dubbing on my thread to form separate wings on each side. To finish, I cut the hi-vis post short for visibility on the water.

You can also trim the hackle parachute hackle fore and aft for small flies to avoid the bulk of winding dubbing around the post to separate the wings. Small flies need very little hackle to remain afloat.

Works well for rusty spinners from small to large and for all sizes of sulphurs.
afishinado wrote:
My favorite hackle wing spinner uses high quality dry fly hackle in light dun as Festus mentioned above. I simply tie a parachute fly with extra long hackle and using hi-vis poly yarn for the post. I gather together the hackle and figure eight over-under-and-around the post with a small amount of dubbing on my thread to form separate wings on each side. To finish, I cut the hi-vis post short for visibility on the water.
This one is easier to tie:

Size 14 Sulphur Paraspinner-



I prefer griz hackle with the least dark barring that I can find. and I way oversize the hackle.
Gc's putting up some sweet looking patterns. The patterns you all have described sound great.
My March Brown duns are very, very different than any I've ever seen. Would like to show them but me + close-up photos + posting pictures = 0.0. Maybe when FrequentTyer stops by he can photo them and post them.
gutcutter, that is a nice looking spinner. I will have to try that.

for mid to late May, prepare more for the gray foxes which is, I have learned, the same bug, species-wise. I have a real hard time not having a snowshoe hare winged emerger pattern on a curved hook. It's so simple and effective and durable that I have a hard time fishing anything else, except that I love seeing a fish come up and take a proper dry. I used a curved scud/caddis hook in the proper size, the dry fly color for the body, a brown crinkled poly trailing shuck and a snowshoe hare comparadun upwing. You can crank these out at a great rate. Fish in size 12-16. The 12's should be more creamy or tannish-yellow. the sz. 14& 16 pretty straight up sulfur yellow.
here ya go ;


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A long shanked hares ear nymph fished as you normally fish a nymph has produced more and bigger fish during March browns. I imagine swinging wets would have similar effects. I really like being a dry guy during the MBs but I usually have my best evenings of the year by keeping it underneath.

Some great looking patterns shown here, I will definitely be adding a few to my box. Thanks for sharing.

This is an emerger pattern that Festus mentioned in the thread he linked. I had two of these that I bought at McConnels store up on the Pine Creek back in the early 2000's. I didn't have all the right materials but used what I had to get close.


Another MB emerger I tied a bunch of


Bob Jacklin's MB nymph pattern I'm going to try
Here's a crappy phone pic but a small twist on the pattern I mentioned earlier.

Size 16 hook
Amber thread
Microfibets for tail
Orange dubbing for egg sac
Sulphur dubbing or body
Size 12-14 hackle in cream
Orange foam pulled over for "backpack"

Looking to give it a trial run at the jam.



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Here are a couple patterns that my son and I had a nice amount of success with on Saturday.


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