Mountain Creek and Tom's Run in Michaux State Forest SCPA.



Aug 11, 2012
I haved fished a lot in Michaux SF, although not as far north as Pine Grove Furnace until I went to the state park with the family the other day. I couldn't really sneak away. Just a stop at the 233 bridge over mountain creek momentarily, it looks beautiful. There is supposed to be a good wild trout population in Mountain creek and Toms run according to the state park literature. Any experience?
They're worth checking out. I've been involved for many years with an improvement project in that watershed. Without naming specific streams....I'll offer the same advice that I generally do when people ask about the small streams on South Mountain: Enjoy the beautiful countryside but keep your wild trout expectations modest. It may look like Potter or Clinton County, but wild trout populations are localized and mostly sparse. Also, as a general rule (to which there are some exceptions) much of the best wild trout fishing in Michaux is within stocked sections of streams as the non-stocked streams tend to be very small not to mention often very thick with rhododendron or highly acidic.
Put in your time and I think you'll agree with me on this generality.
I'll be in that area this Labor Day, staying at the cabin in the park with family. If anyone is around and you see a tall skinny guy fishing, say hi :) And ditto to what Fishidiot said - the water looks more fishy than it often is, but its still beautiful, nonetheless. Will be trying some nightfishing for brownies..
It is mostly about the beautiful location.
Also, as a general rule (to which there are some exceptions) much of the best wild trout fishing in Michaux is within stocked sections of streams as the non-stocked streams tend to be very small not to mention often very thick with rhododendron or highly acidic.
I have spent a lot of time south of 30 and had a lot of fun with tiny delicate brookies in a small trickle of a stream. I like to think I know a lesser known "hoptspot" or two in a stocked area mixed with a rare few decent size wild. (you hit the nail on the head fishidiot, with my limited experience in the area this hold true). I love to explore, and I will be heading north to try Toms and Mountain creek at least before those brookies start spawning. Oh, and what causes that acidity in the area? Thanks Fishidiot
Salmonoid- Good luck! I don't know if you have been there before, but ya'll should definitely make the hike to Pole Steeple the huge quartzite rock outcropping overlooking the park. We were there recently, it is a gorgeous view.
irishlax7 wrote:
Salmonoid- Good luck! I don't know if you have been there before, but ya'll should definitely make the hike to Pole Steeple the huge quartzite rock outcropping overlooking the park. We were there recently, it is a gorgeous view.

Pole Steeple, Lewis Rocks, and Sunset Rocks are all worthwhile climbs. A bunch of fathers and children rented the big cabin in the park (back when it could be rented) one winter, and we hauled all the little ones up to the top of Pole Steeple :) Attached is a view from the top that day, which turned out to be a beautiful late winter day. I wet a line that weekend too, but there wasn't much going on at the end of February.



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There is good fishing in Michaux SF, but most of the streams, even the better ones, seem to be impacted by acid rain.
Yeah, I agree with the consensus above on Michaux SF. It's a beautiful area with tons of streams and legal access to them. My inlaws live in Hanover and when visiting them I often try to sneak up there for a few hours. If you see a guy with a red sling pack and a Titleist hat, that’s me. Most times I have my father in law tagging along with me too.

Most of the streams I’ve fished up there I'd describe as mediocre (including Mountain and Toms), but still worth exploring probably. There's one or two I've found that I'd call pretty good, but as FI mentioned, even the better streams are not really NC PA streams in terms of fish populations. An interesting personal anecdote…I think many of the streams that harbor wild trout in the area actually have Brook/Brown mixes in them, but I’ve never caught a Brown Trout in Michaux.

Acid rain and an inherent lack of buffering capacity in the geology of the area definitely impacts the trout populations. I found a gorgeous, extremely high gradient, well flowing stream and fished over half a mile of it. I eventually stopped fishing and just waded up through the stream trying to scare a fish or two...and nothing. The stream was completely dead.

Bottom line, you will run into some duds, but most streams will probably turn up a trout or two if you you’re willing to do some hiking/climbing and put up with the rhodo and tight casting conditions.
I'll add that right now, some of these little streams are running kinda low. I imagine temps are ok, but when I was out riding along Tom's Run last week I thought it looked a little thin for fishing right now...
Nice pic salmonoid, a cool place for sure. Thanks for the info everyone, I hope to see ya'll out there sometime.