More Recent Fish Porn

Tim I disagree, if someone says I lift a fish out of the water for a picture there is at least a reason. You may not like it and don't think it's a good idea but it serves a purpose. Not wetting your hands before handing a fish does not.
ryansheehan wrote:
Tim I disagree, if someone says I lift a fish out of the water for a picture there is at least a reason. You may not like it and don't think it's a good idea but it serves a purpose. Not wetting your hands before handing a fish does not.

Last comment. Ask yourself whom or what benefits from the “purpose”, which you claim justifies the action. I could argue that knowingly doing an harmful action that only benefits you is just as bad as harmful action done out of apathy or disregard.
To be clear, the pictures I take of fish are for my benefit. Not the fish's. This is also true of the process of impaling them with a hook, and the time spent pulling them back in to my feet, before I took the picture.

I suppose it could be argued that wetting my hands, removing the hook, and releasing the fish, are for the fish's benefit. But again, only after I've first impaled them with the hook, dragged them through the water while attached to a rope, and sometimes, taken their picture for my benefit. It's a complicated, conflicted deal really.
Swattie87 wrote:
To be clear, the pictures I take of fish are for my benefit. Not the fish's. This is also true of the process of impaling them with a hook, and the time spent pulling them back in to my feet, before I took the picture.

I suppose it could be argued that wetting my hands, removing the hook, and releasing the fish, are for the fish's benefit. But again, only after I've first impaled them with the hook, dragged them through the water while attached to a rope, and sometimes, taken their picture for my benefit. It's a complicated, conflicted deal really.

Ding, Ding, Ding, we have a winner. I'm glad someone gets the point I'm trying to make!
Well, I can't argue...eating them has a purpose
timbow wrote:
ryansheehan wrote:
Tim I disagree, if someone says I lift a fish out of the water for a picture there is at least a reason. You may not like it and don't think it's a good idea but it serves a purpose. Not wetting your hands before handing a fish does not.

Last comment. Ask yourself whom or what benefits from the “purpose”, which you claim justifies the action. I could argue that knowingly doing an harmful action that only benefits you is just as bad as harmful action done out of apathy or disregard.

If that's your argument then don't fish. I'm ok with harming fish while enjoying the outdoors but if there is something I can do to lessen the effect but maintain my enjoyment I do it.
Good grief, this is a tough crowd, as bad as the traditional archery forum I frequent. Anyway, nice pics Trouter. Carry on gentlemen.
I think some of yall would have an aneurysm if you watched a group shock surveying.
I think some of yall would have an aneurysm if you watched a group shock surveying.

Ditto that...
NewSal wrote:
I think some of yall would have an aneurysm if you watched a group shock surveying.

Not me. I have no problem admitting that I am responsible for the death of many trout, simply because I choose to fish for nothing other than my enjoyment. I do the best I can handling them in a manner that is conducive to their survival post release but anyone that fishes with any regularity is responsible for the death of fish. Anyone that thinks otherwise is in denial.

The reason I commented on this was that the OP just jumped all over another poster the other day for his fish handling or lack there of in his view. I’m trying to make the point that it’s a bit hypocritical to bash another angler over things like dry hands when what it really comes down to is that as anglers, we are all out there to jab a sharp piece of metal into a fished mouth purely for our entertainment. To come on here and claim that you are some sort of friend to the fish and purely looking out for their best interest is a load of BS. If one truely had their best interest in mind they would not be out there with the intent of hooking them and dragging them to you by a piece of string. Sure, we need to educate new folks on proper catch and release but stop with the nitpicking over every little thing
@Timbow...We can go back and forth on this as long as you want. I was going to let it go but it seems you think I'm nitpicking because someone continues to bare hand/ mishandle trout after previously being called out on it. You seem to imply that we should ignore the science on the importance of the trout's outer slime layer. Are you that dense or just a really certain kind of special? Here's an experiment for you...Why not do what you claim I am nitpicking about in front of other anglers on say Spring Creek and see how it is received? I never claimed to be a friend of the fish. My claim is that I respect my quarry and handle with the utmost care so that you and your ilk can hopefully catch them again. Sure, I may kill some, but at least I knowingly make every effort to give them a better chance at survival during the c&r process. I could've brought up the fact those brookies the poster caught were likely in spawning mode, therefore he should exercise additional care when handling them. I don't fish for wild trout during spawning season because I don't want to add to their stress.
I must just be that dense or special, as you say. Because to me, the first brookie you showed on this post sure looks to be in spawn mode to me......
My trout identify as bass so I lip them.
@Timbow...I'm starting to think you are both. That particular fish was caught the last week of September. Still a little early yet for brookies, and no redds or fish paired up were observed that day. Were that the case, I would've moved on and hit a stocked stream as I have been doing of late. Rest assured though, that I thoroughly wet my hand before handling that fish. After a quick pic that took no longer than 5-6 seconds, the fish was placed back in the water, and promptly released to reproduce and someday be caught again. Let me know if you want to conduct that experiment I suggested in my previous reply. I'd be curious to see how many anglers would nitpick you about that. You could also conduct a survey to see how many anglers view carefully lifting a fish a few inches over the water as I do for an occasional pic and promptly releasing, or grabbing them with a dry hand and holding them out of the water while you twist away at the fly because it may not be barbless. If you do, please post your findings as I'd be curious. Just sayin...
Nice fish, nice pics. Excuse me while I rip fish off of their redds and then go back to my glass house to start tossing stones.

Little early for cabin fever to setting in, isn't it?
Wild_Trouter wrote:
@Timbow...We can go back and forth on this as long as you want. I was going to let it go but it seems you think I'm nitpicking because someone continues to bare hand/ mishandle trout after previously being called out on it. You seem to imply that we should ignore the science on the importance of the trout's outer slime layer. Are you that dense or just a really certain kind of special? Here's an experiment for you...Why not do what you claim I am nitpicking about in front of other anglers on say Spring Creek and see how it is received? I never claimed to be a friend of the fish. My claim is that I respect my quarry and handle with the utmost care so that you and your ilk can hopefully catch them again. Sure, I may kill some, but at least I knowingly make every effort to give them a better chance at survival during the c&r process. I could've brought up the fact those brookies the poster caught were likely in spawning mode, therefore he should exercise additional care when handling them. I don't fish for wild trout during spawning season because I don't want to add to their stress.

You should see the expression on other anglers faces when my buddy brings Minnie's to fish spring creek. ????
Interesting topic indeed. Okay, so here we go. I post my success or lack of so others might think about getting out and enjoying the same streams up here in the Poconos. I have often shared tips and locations on the fishing up here via pm with other members and to me thats what its all about. I myself am disabled and cannot get out as often as I would like as my medical condition does not allow. When I do get out, I wanna catch fish, period. Not sitting up on some high horse and talking crap but sharing the experience so others might get off their *** and hit up the locations I post. I also always welcome company and would take anyone out with me that wants to teach me the proper way to fish and/or handle fish. Just dont be pissed when I out fish you : )

Tight Lines !!