More Recent Fish Porn



Well-known member
Jan 30, 2014
I don't post stream reports anymore because the streams I'm fishing are very fragile, but they can be found with a little legwork and a full tank of gas. The first three pics are from a stream I explored yesterday. Turned out to be a mixed bag with some truly beautiful fish given the stream size. I caught plenty of fish
Really nice looking stream there and some pretty good sized brooks!
Jesus, those are some beautiful fish. Please keep posting.
Funny, that looks like the same death grip and dry hands my postings get commented on a few of those brookies . . just saying, practice what you preach
I handle every single fish I catch with the utmost care and respect that they deserve. You can deflect all you want, but you are in the wrong and you know it. I prefaced my comment on your videos by saying I wasn't trying to bust your chops, but rather to educate you. This isn't the first time you have demonstrated deficient fish handling skills nor am I the only one to call you out on it. Either you are lazy, you don't care, or both.
^ The exact reason I don’t even take pics of my catches anymore. I literally get them to in front of me, unhook still in the water and let the current flow over them to be sure they swim away strong and able to fight another day. I do this with all species I catch anymore. The only exception is a true trophy fish...which has eluded me all my life so far.
I see water on his hands for every picture, no dog in the fight, just saying.
Sorry, but it's only trout porn to me if there is some artistic thought shown in the poses and the photos are in focus.
DriftingDunn wrote:
Sorry, but it's only trout porn to me if there is some artistic thought shown in the poses and the photos are in focus.

Is a plot too much to ask for too?
+1 - I don’t consider average pics of average trout as fish porn....

I also do not understand the need to take pictures of every fish caught. Unless it’s the first or biggest of a species for me, what’s the need for a picture? No doubt they are beautiful fish but after catching hundreds of them are they really that unique?

As far as handling, there is no excuse for not wetting hands, not carrying hemos, or keeping a fish out of water for more than a few seconds.
Wild_Trouter wrote:
I handle every single fish I catch with the utmost care and respect that they deserve. You can deflect all you want, but you are in the wrong and you know it. I prefaced my comment on your videos by saying I wasn't trying to bust your chops, but rather to educate you. This isn't the first time you have demonstrated deficient fish handling skills nor am I the only one to call you out on it. Either you are lazy, you don't care, or both.

Honestly, if you handled each fish with the utmost care and respect you wouldn't be lifting them out of the water to snap a photo. With fish of the size in the photos, the best method would be to simply just grab the fly with hemos and pop it out while the fish is still in the water. Just sayin....
Yeah, and I think I see a barb on one of those flies that's only partially smashed down. Just kidding. Or am I?

These fish handling discussions need to go the way of spot burning around these parts. Extinct.
@Mediafly...I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I'd hardly consider fish of that size and color to be "average" from a stream not on any PFBC list that is 10 feet at its widest point. If I posted the stream name, I guarantee some here would pay a visit. For the record, I do not take pics of every fish I catch. I thought I would share what I have been doing recently with the forum as we all search for options with high water. This was one option and these pics were proof that one can seek and find if you put in a little effort.
Couldn't agree more Swattie. If everyone would just remember that no matter how good we think we are at protecting and handling fish there is ALWAYS somebody out there that is doing more or better jobs than us. It's really unnecessary to call people out just because you think you do a better job than they do, unless of course, someone is bashing a fish's head on rocks or something grossly ignorant.
@Timbow...I actually do release fish in water. Most times I don't even need hemos because I tie my flies barbless. My quarry is usually released in seconds. As for the pics, if I take one, the fish is lifted a few inches above the water, and the pic is taken. The fish is out of water a few seconds and then released....Just sayin
Nice fish. As said, keep your hands wet, snap a quick pick and drop them back into the water. I like to take pictures of various sizes of wild fish just to look at all of the variations among them.

I actually prefer pics like this to the:
- grip and grin,
-look at this trophy,
-will this put me on the cover of a magazine,
-make sure the rod model is visible,
- is my Yeti hat centered in the frame

pictures that take up a significant portion of Instragram posts these days.


@Timbow...I'd consider someone blatantly grabbing a fish without making any effort to wet their hands to be grossly ignorant-especially when you know it is the proper way, and it takes but a second to do. I brought something to the attention of the poster that was also brought up by another poster previously. The point of my post was to educate with the thinking that if they heard it again from someone else- they might take it to heart and realize its importance. This forum is about helping one another through information sharing, experiences, and advice. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I respect yours even if you do not respect mine.
@Wild_Trouter. I never said that I didn't respect your opinion, in fact, quite the contrary. I agree with you on what you consider to be "proper handling". I'm just saying that line between acceptable and unacceptable is blurry at best. You may think that the line is drawn at wetting hands when taking a fish out of the water. I may draw the line at taking a fish out of the water when not necessary, even for a few seconds, to grab a photo. If that's my stance does that make me a better more informed person that should come on here and make it a point to tell you that you are doing a bad job handling fish because you wanted to a photo? I don't think so. Like I said before, while he may not have done everything 100% correctly he wasn't doing a horrible job.
Swattie87 wrote:
DriftingDunn wrote:
Sorry, but it's only trout porn to me if there is some artistic thought shown in the poses and the photos are in focus.

Is a plot too much to ask for too?

A plot would be good, as well as perhaps a moral to the story.