More brookies in Penns Creek?

Between the mid-state trail lot and the splits in the C&R section. I kinda live there, or would like to.
I don't know where the mid-state trail lot is. I've probably been there, but didn't know that's what it is was called.

But I know where the splits are. That is downstream from Panther and Swift Runs. IMHO, most of the brookies in Penns are moving back and forth from Swift Run, with a lesser contribution from Panther.

There is also a small brookie trib that flows in at Ingleby.
I’ve caught brookies this year and last between Poe Paddy and cherry run. Last year was the first time in 15 years of fishing Penns that I caught a brook trout there.
You may find a bit of encouragement from what I wrote in the Antietam Ck fishing report this week re: buffers