Monster trucks, monster trout.

"What a nice pair"..LMAO
Those are nice fish,all three of them.
Awesome fish! The rock on her finger is almost as big as
I'd wage a cold one that she is HIGH maintanence.
Dang Dan! I drove over that bridge last Wed. and thought the same thing. Nice fish!

I like to think they're naturals ... the fish I mean.
The rock on her finger is almost as big as

She has fingers? Seriously, who notices a ring on a woman like that?
Awesome fish Dan!!
Great fish. And GUYS please stop talking about my wife, yes she is cute and fun, but it is not her fault she was born with big pecs. Really.
Beautiful Dan...............All of it.
pcray1231 wrote:
She has fingers? Seriously, who notices a ring on a woman like that?

Those that that have a chance...

Quite possibly your shortest post EVER pcray. Quite funny as well.
Your posts like this are always fantasic Dan. I'm hoping to land a brown like that in Erie this year, though yours will be much more impressive. Looks like a lot of fun. Color me jealous of the whole trip.
Beautiful fish dude
man i remember going to the truck shows and jams. great time and lots of...........well you know.

Nice browns, pic is worth putting in a frame.
I had a feeling when I linked this in the other thread that someone was going to refresh it...

One of the best looking big browns I've seen on this site and I search it up when I've got cabin fever from time to time.
Thats a nice fish and a really nice pull by Lucy ... :)
Congrats on one hell of a BIG brown trout! Very nice! Not saying it's a stocker, or that you were on the Letort, but they don't even stock the Letort, do they?

but they don't even stock the Letort, do they?

wellll, yeah, they sort of do. There's an annual kids fishing derby held in Letort Park that does see some stocking for the event, but from what I understand they've only been stocking 'bows and brookies the last few years to help keep the wild browns wild so to speak. Which explains the curious rainbow I caught a couple weeks ago down in the open water below town...
Dan; day spent just fine!
Great story. Congrats on the trophy.

PS: I’m going smaller and smaller, what’s going on…?


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