Mini Steelhead Swap Part Deux

Finished mine on Thurs. Just trying to get over to the post office to get them sent. Should have them soon (included 10).
Mine are done just have to get to the P.O. Missed them being open this afternoon.
Mine will be in the mail Monday the 14th along with a bunch of bills i gotta get workin on but i don't want tooooooooooo...........
Got Jonathan's today...we are ready to turn these around a hurray...FISH ON!

Now we are talking steelhead weather...

Sent them out earlier should have them today or tomorrow. Thanks again for taking care of this Boss.
Mine are in the mail. I went with function over form, which helps out with the therapy anyways. (For those who haven't done a swap with me, my 4 year old girl helps tie every fly for the swaps as a form of therapy. Her right arm/ shoulder was paralyzed at birth and she has since had 7 nerve graphs and a muscle tendon transfer. We use the tying as fine motor skill PT/OT).

We tied a pre-rigged tandem for clear water which includes a small, simple dark nymph and a cream caddis. I used 4X to attach the tandem which is light, but it is useful for clear water / winter conditions (and typically strong enough for lethargic fish in 38 degree water). The nymph is the fly I had success with on my last trip up (see stream reports), and the caddis is one of my secret weapons when fishing clear water and spooky steelhead.

I have had more success with spooky steelhead when fishing less flashy flies, so not much glitter tied in...more silhouette, size, and delicacy.

Hook- mustad 16 or 18
Thread- black 6/0
Tail- pheasant tail
Body- Dark chocolate dubbing
Shellcase- Turkey

Hook- mustad 16 or 18
Thread- yellow 6/0
Body- Light Cahill dubbing
Ribbing- gold wire (adds some weight, too)
Legs- black goose biot
Head- black dubbing
Picked up Flips today....looking good on...

David........that is so cool your daughter gets therapy from helping you tie , i hope she maintains her interest , check out the female dutch tier , Torill Korvu sp? , she is supposed to be one of the best tiers in the world , maybe she will get some additional inspiration from hearing about her. This is a really cool story , more should be made of the fact that fly tying can be very theraputic in so many ways. When i lived down east , Elizabethtown in Lancaster county , there was a fellow nearby who taught fly tying as therapy , don't remember his name but he was from around the Lititz area. In 2003 at the age of 47 and having worked for 30 years i lost my left leg below the knee in an accident at work (steel mill) I was an avid fly fisher and fly tier before the accident , without the fly tying during my re-hab phase i don't think i would have made it. Does you girl fish with you too?
Wow David, I had no idea. Thanks for sharing that with us, I also have a 4 year old (and a 3 year old, and 2 9 month olds!), and I can't imagine what you have gone through. That tandem package will definitely make it's way to our dinner table to share your story with my kids (hope that's okay). I have recently been getting a good deal of interest from my 4 and 3 year old to tie, and we have put together some crazy stuff...and having a great time doing it; your story will serve as further inspiration. Thanks again for sharing.
Thanks guys... I hope she doesn't lose interest as well. She has a good time doing it so far.
Thanks for the name Osprey...I'm certain she would appreciate seeing a woman tying flies.
Both my girls love to go fishing...they end up exploring and playing more than actual fishing. That is fine with me, as long as they are enjoying themselves.
Sorry about your accident Osprey...what else do you do to overcome the injury, if you don't mind me asking? How are you doing now?
If you can remember that fellows name who did therapy tying, I'd be very interested in talking to him.

By all means, please share. Sarah loves to hear when people like her ties. You've got your hands full with 4 there, huh?
Both my girls (7yo & 4yo) have their own tying stations in my outdoor room with their own vices, bobbins, threads, and misc fur & feathers. They will come in and tie anytime they see me in there.

Here are some pics of the girls out with me. The younger one is the one with Erb's Palsy. The last pic is my older with her first steelhead on the fly (she didn't hook it, but fought it and landed it own her own).


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I got your flies in the mail today...I have a special needs daughter...she seems more interested in drinking my Ice T than tying flies with me...I need to find a way to get them on the water more and at the bench...

I fish a very similar cream caddis all year long...number one go to fly...

Great flies...I was a bit confused when I opened it up and found the first pack with the pike fly in it...

It is coming together guys...I
Daken's arrived yesterday...

who are we missing? Don't be shy...

Sorry guys...I might have misplaced one set with my stack of XMAS stuff...

These are the flies and I am not sure I have this exactly correct...

Tandem Rig Blue Charm Streamer-
soft hackle caddis-Flip
nymph and caddis rig-Dave
My glow in the dark Folgers fly-Boss
Emerald Shiner-CRB
White bugger-

Drop me a PM if you want just to make sure I have your fly correct and the right name on it...

Miller time...did you send your crystal meth flies...?

The flies look awesome....thanks to everyone that participated...
I tied those white flashy weighted buggers...(my highest success fly for dark water steelhead).
Boss........mine went out thursday eve , the gal said by saturday , they are in a flat rate USPS small box in case you didn't get pm.
should be sent out Monday or Tuesday...hope all are safe in this snow...wish I were fishing...sitting in Lancaster watching it snow
i fished with ryguyfi and groove today in the snow we all had a pretty good day