Mini-jam Fall 2010, NE Pennsylvania and Catskills.

That's not really me! I wish I were that good looking. It's actually a pic of my favorite comic.... Doug Stanhope. He's one funny, sick MF. I do fancy myself to be quite funny though. When you think you know what's going to fly outta my mouth... WRONG!

That food stash is for my buddy Josh. He's 5'9", 165-170 lbs. We eat a full breakfast at the diner and head to the river. In the first pool, he'll be on the bank eating. Dude must take in 5000 calories a day. When the metabolism finally slows down.... BOOM. Fat city. Start buying 46 waisted pants. LMAO
Sounds like a nice jam coming together here, andI hope to make it.
I already have vaction time in for the first week of october, but I might be able to move it earlier. I'll have to wait until the final dates are settled, and see.
I wouldn't need a motel room for the trip. I could stay at an old friends place less than a half hour away. I know some good streams west of the Big D for brookies, and a few for browns.

I have better luck in the Susquehanna River up there for big trout than on the Delaware.

If you think I'm joking, well then good, I'll tell you another one.

Just don't ask me for GPS coordinates.
Honestly though, I have literally have a topographical road map of that area in my head, maybe not so much Wayne Co. but I don't need a map in Susquehanna Co.

And yes there are a few areas on the Susky up North with big rainbows, hard to find, but easier to catch than the D.
Rainbows in the NB Susky? Maybe up near Oneonta where the headwaters are... Certainly not in Susquehanna Co or Bradford Co.

(I take that back... the first 2 weeks before trout season and the 1st week of trout season one can catch a bunch of stockies in the NB Susky. They seem to flee all the tribs and into the awaiting mouths of pike and muskie in the river.
Rainbows in the NB Susky? Maybe up near Oneonta where the headwaters are... Certainly not in Susquehanna Co or Bradford Co.

No, certainly not. At least not in July or August.
That susky thing sounds pretty interesting. Why does everyone think the fish on the D are impossible to catch? It's just wild fish, tons of bugs and a perfect drift. Isn't that what you try to do for every trout? It can be brutal sometimes. Below is a descritpion of the rivers from a local guide....

A large, difficult-to-read waterway with long, slow-moving pools... big, sipping browns and rainbows that are very selective... tiny, hard-to-match flies... long casts... invisible takes... the list goes on.
This is the Main Stem of the Delaware. For the expert flyfisher, it can be a "10" on a scale of "10". For the advanced flyfisher, it can be a lesson in humility. For the average flyfisher, it can be an exercise in frustration. And for the novice, it can be a look at the dark side of trout fever.
The East Branch produces some very large browns and rainbows each year, and its Upper reaches maintain a stable brook trout population due to the many small mountain tributaries that feed it. For the most part, streamside fishing is best on the Upper river, although a few drift boats and canoes carry flyfishers to less accessible stretches.
The "Lower" East Branch is largely a free-stone stream, with classic riffles and runs, and long, deep pools. Since its flow is also supplemented by the Beaverkill River -- a medium-sized stream -- it can remain more productive throughout the season and particularly near the end of the season. While the lower river can be waded in most areas, some of the deep pools can put rising trout out of reach. As a result, a drift boat or canoe is often a much more productive way of fishing.
The West Branch is generally regarded as the best of the three rivers that make up the Delaware trout fishery. While it is the shortest of the three, it offers the flyfisher a continuous series of pools, runs and riffles that contain a large, wild population of browns and rainbows, averaging in size from 12 to 16 inches, with many in the 18-and-over class..
Captain Adrian LaSorte, Guide
Definately in. How many rooms n Capri? 30? Maybe? Should be able to sell out. No one is gonna give us crap. We party in the bars, I will pacify the hippies.
Capra has 17 rooms. I'm bringing the pontoons just in case there's enough water. Looking to wade, float or whatever. I'll email you some of the pics from this past weekends trip.
Click on my screen name and view all photos.... there's a couple of picture from the Delaware system over the last 12 months.
If you spin with plugs, don't be surprised if you catch bass, trout, walleye and even a stripper.

If I spin with plugs I can catch strippers? Sweet.

Seriously, this sounds like this could be a great trip. If anyone wants to share a room at Capri just let me know. As Andy and Jay have said, it is perfectly serviceable for a fishing crash pad. Fridge and microwave standard. There is really no residential housing in the area of the motel, rather it is surrounded by a convenience store and an out of business movie theater. You could get pretty rowdy there with no problems imo.
Hey.... they show movies on Saturdays during the summer. Don't bust on the place. I'm not sure how rowdy Gene will let us get. He lives in the front of the motel. If we have the entire place booked, he won't mind but if we can't fill the place, we'll have to keep it to a gentle roar. I'm sure that Josh will make his famous pulled pork bbq and taco salad. He's more excited about eating than fishing at this point. We'll have some crockpots fired up in our room for sure.

I just read one of your older posts....

"We'll party in the bars"

WHAAAAAT bars? The ONE bar in town named "BAR"? LMAO. I guess the Hancock House has a tavern. If you want to hit one of the more remote locations, you're on your own. Josh has been trying to get me to the one above the Delaware River Club for 5 years. Rustic / falling down barn looking place. They do have an Orvis sign on the outside of the bar and that's pretty cool. Local guide said not to go in there if you're not a local.
Here's more inspiration... guy on the Catskill forum took these last week in the D. Very nice fishy.

You have to click on the tiny photo, put your cursor over it and then enlarge to see it. Not sure what I'm doing.

Jay! Help. I thought I had it figured out w/ uploading photos...guess not.


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Hmm... not sure what happened there.

I was able to click on it then enlarge it with firefox, but it was very tiny. I've enlarged it in paint...


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WHAAAAAT bars? The ONE bar in town named "BAR"? LMAO. I guess the Hancock House has a tavern. If you want to hit one of the more remote locations, you're on your own. Josh has been trying to get me to the one above the Delaware River Club for 5 years.

Ya, I was specifically thinking about Hancock House tavern, but I guess Circle would work too. Josh told me he kept trying to get you in that bar near DRC and you would not go . . . lol.
Old guide told me that some guys from Winterdale (where we looked at the house) beat a woman to death at that bar. Granted, she's got better titz that I do, I'm not feeling it. Not interested in having a stand off (5 to 1) with some hill jacks and all of their relatives. In case you haven't noticed, I'm a bit of a smartass and have trouble keeping my mouth shut.

You are also right about not giving me permission to post your fish photos from the Delaware River. In order to do that, the following would need to occur:

1. You and your pontoon would need to be within 3 miles of me because I can't afford a 70x zoom lens

2. You would have to hook and land a fish. KA-BOOM!!

LMFAO! Get some ice on that one before it leaves a mark.