Michaux State Forest



New member
Jun 5, 2013
Great day Saturday exploring some new streams in Michaux State Forest. First two were headwater streams to Long Pine Reservoir. Fished a slightly larger stream later in the day. All wild brook trout caught on a #14 Elk Hair Caddis.


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Very nice. How'd you get daddy long legs to pose for you?
I know that area...very nice fish for those streams. That male is gorgeous.
Very nice all-around photo essay. The colors in the photos are brilliant.
Great pics!

Being new to that area, it 's on my list to explore. You may have just moved it up the list with those nice brookies.
Awesome pictures, especially the brookies!
Thanks guys.

cvlimestoner: I'm familiar with quite a few small wild trout streams in Michaux State Forest and Tuscarora State Forest that are worth checking out. Since you are new to the area, feel free to contact me if you need any intel.
Whic stream, right fork or left?
Very nice pics. This is the closest boatable lake to where I live...very soon I want to take my boat there to do some lake fishing, then stash the boat somewhere near the mouth and go on foot, brookie fishing..best of both worlds!
Chaz and Bigslackwater: We fished the two branches of Birch Run. Didn't fish Long Pine Run. Also fished Rocky Mountain Creek along 233. Rocky Mountain is a nice creek.
Very nice, love stalking brookies. Nice pics.
I fished Birth once, that was enough for me, too much Rhody for me. Would you say Lone Pine is the bigger of the 2, or are they about the same? very infertile streams.
Both branches of Birch and Long Pine were about the same size. I agree that they were small and overgrown. I prefer fishing a slightly larger creek, but it's always nice to explore a few new streams!

We are taking the boat up to Long Pine Reservoir Sunday. Probably wont get to fish for brookies on the tribs. I'm taking my father out for fathers day and we'll just be boating. Hoping to catch some largemouth and panfish. I've heard mixed reviews. I'll be fishing on the fly and dad will have the spin rod. Between the two of us we should catch something...fingers crossed :)
bigslackwater wrote:
Hoping to catch some largemouth and panfish. I've heard mixed reviews. I'll be fishing on the fly and dad will have the spin rod. Between the two of us we should catch something...fingers crossed :)

Long Pine is a beautiful lake and I kayak it frequently with my wife. The fishing is poor due to the high acidity of the water. When it was impounded 40+ years ago it was stocked with WW fish including pike, muskies, walleyes etc. They failed to survive. Subsequent efforts to establish a trout fishery also failed. The lake does have a population of stunted bluegills and perch. There are also some LMs (a few of which are very large) but sometimes you have to really hunt for the bass as they tend to be deep on sunny days to to the extremely clear water.

Great lake for boating, hiking, and sightseeing. When I'm fishing I go elsewhere.

Saw this guy on Birch Run Rd between Birch Run and Pine Run. There was another dead in the road about 50 yds away. be careful out there!
Is that a recent photo? I need to be more careful, because I hike through a lot of heavy brush on these streams. I try to wear waders but sometimes wet-wade late season. It would not be good getting a snakebite 2 miles from my car...
They are out there...if you are on facebook look up the michaux page. They post pics of bears and snakes sometimes.
If you are fishing in snake country you really need to be aware. They are out there! Having a close encounter with one really has a way of peaking your awareness the whole rest of the day! Seriously, watch where you step and put your hands. Be careful stepping over logs. Snakes like to lay alongside of downed logs because it is a great place to ambush mice and other little critters.
Looked like a beautiful day. Great pics!