Michaux State Forest

Chris..........I lived in Newville around 10 or 12 years late 90s until around 2005 and then back out west here near Da Burgh.......anyhow i thought i knew Micheaux like the backof my hand but i dont remember that lake unless it's the one that flows down the Caledonia side of the mountain or maybe the York county side? It's been years since i fished Micheaux and it was mostly the Cumberland county side and mostly the Mountain creek and Yellow Breeches watersheds but i used to stay at Caledonia alot cause of Falling springs and there was a lake on the road from Caledonia back to Pine Grove furnace that drained back do9wn the Caledonia side is that it? Got me3 rememberin here ..........i had both legs back then Micheaux was awesome and close to home. Diverse fishing ops HUGE diversity. COOL POST
osprey wrote:
dont remember that lake ...... there was a lake on the road from Caledonia back to Pine Grove furnace that drained back do9wn the Caledonia side is that it?

No, this lake is Long Pine.
The lake you remember was known as "Birch Run" or "Chambersburg Reservoir" and remains drained. We've had this discussion before as there remains confusion about this lake versus the one that has been drained. The problem stems from the fact that Long Pine is now sometimes called "Chambersburg" because it is the water supply for that town.

The old Birch Run lake bed will not be re-filled but is currently being managed as recovered forest. TU is also working on a promising project, to begin shortly, in conjunction with DCNR to recover the streambed as brook trout habitat.
What do they plan to do to the streambed in the drained reservoir? And what is the theory?

Wouldn't simply allowing the vegetation to recover and the stream channel to find its own path yield results that just as good or better?
I have to agree with Troubert other than maybe a few well plaqced boulders/stones?
Here is a video of a local guy and son fishing the old reservoir. Gives you an idea of what its like, if you've never been there.

The habitat is poor in the old lakebed section. That's not to say that anything should be done about it, but it will take a while for the stream to carve out a new channel. It makes some nice bends which in time should make some nice holes, but again that takes time. TU is probably looking for something more immediate.

Eventually, once the forest grows in and the stream makes some habitat, it will be a nice stretch to fish. Much of that watershed above the old lakebed is choked with rhodo and difficult if not impossible to fish in many places.
osprey wrote:
Chris..........I lived in Newville around 10 or 12 years late 90s until around 2005 and then back out west here near Da Burgh.......anyhow i thought i knew Micheaux like the backof my hand but i dont remember that lake unless it's the one that flows down the Caledonia side of the mountain or maybe the York county side? It's been years since i fished Micheaux and it was mostly the Cumberland county side and mostly the Mountain creek and Yellow Breeches watersheds but i used to stay at Caledonia alot cause of Falling springs and there was a lake on the road from Caledonia back to Pine Grove furnace that drained back do9wn the Caledonia side is that it? Got me3 rememberin here ..........i had both legs back then Micheaux was awesome and close to home. Diverse fishing ops HUGE diversity. COOL POST
There were 2 lakes on the Eastern side of Micheaux SF, lone Pine Reservoir and one other that is no longer there further down the drainage along the state highway. The water in the old lakebed has had a restoration completed and the fishing is decent in that sections.
Lots of great comments...

I fished the stream above the drained reservoir a few years back. Only caught one Brookie, but it was BIG...

I've fished Long Pine Reservoir a few times over the years with the fly rod. Caught some Perch and small bass, but it was tough.

Osprey: I fish the Cumberland County side more often as well, because I live in Camp Hill. Toms Run and the headwaters of Mountain Creek are both great wild Brook and Brown Trout streams. Lots of great wild trout water as you head towards Caledonia and beyond. Headwaters of Antietam above the Waynesboro reservoir, is a nice stream too.
We have a friend from Gettysburg who comes out this way who speaks highly of the Waynesboro resevoir.
I have fished the stream above the drained res (it is the Conococheague, despite the name of the old res, as far as I know). The half mile or so above the lakebed is actually pretty open fishing. It gets dense after that. Was just there this week, though I fish mostly in Michaux south of US30.

Waynesboro Res. is an impoundment of the beautiful E Branch Antietam. It holds some big sunfish (and big bass, I'm told, though I've only caught medium at best). Boating/wading prohibited, so practice that roll cast.
The stream work is to beging July 9 and 20. I think it is a 8/9am start. I'm planning on helping out. I know ther will be some log devises going in, but that is all.