Merganser Marauders

If you're near me, I'll give ya five bucks for one of those skins. I've always thought that they'd be interesting to tie with, but I don't kill things so I've never been able to find out.
bigjohn58 wrote:

When the PAFBC stocks fingerlings on Fishing Creek you can tell because the mergansers will come.

Sounds like if I put a cap on my white truck, it would make a heck of a Merganser duck blind there. ;-)

Fish predators don't cause me too much concern. I mostly agree with Mike and Maurice on this and I leave them alone.

Besides, I hear they taste kind of like Blue Heron. ;-)

As far as the encroachment question...

I used to know a guy who's nickname was Duck, bot I wasn't aware that a deed for property could be issued to a real duck.
Nope I just want to slaughter Mergies and GBH. The rest are fine :)
And if you really want a merganser skin just let me know and stay in touch. I'm a big duck hunter and shoot a bunch of them on the Delaware river every winter where they are extremely plentiful that time of year. I'd be happy to save any part you may want an freeze it. I save all kinds of duck and goose items for fellas.
The cormorants bother me more than GBH or Mergansers. But i don't shoot them either. Maybe I would if it was legal though. ;-)
I hear those cormorants are the worst! Certain areas in NY they have destroyed fish populations I guess.
If GBH were legal to shoot I would spend every afternoon hunting them. There would be none left!
Zak wrote:
If GBH were legal to shoot I would spend every afternoon hunting them. There would be none left!

With the population boom of bald eagles you might not need to .
bigjohn58 wrote:
I hear those cormorants are the worst! Certain areas in NY they have destroyed fish populations I guess.

They have gotten so bad in some places that they made it legal to hunt them.