March 1st Closed Season for trout

Mike the Izaak Walton League-coop nursery stocks the Codorus creek pre season. The list isn't out yet for this year but last year off the stock list
3/28/15 Codorus (S.BR.) Larue UPST to Centerville 750-ST 650-RT then again after opening
4/11/15 Codorus (S.BR.) Upper Glen Rock to Reever Property
500-ST 900-RT 525-BT
4/25/15 Codorus (S.BR.) Lower Reever Property to Seven
Valleys 500-ST 850-RT 500-BT
info from
JackM wrote:
If stopped, tell them it is your favorite chub stream.

Hey! Right there's where the Sucker Run comes in. Perfect! You are targeting white suckers! I catch plenty of suckers on nymphs early in the season. Totally legit and your conscience can rest easy because, yes indeed, there will be suckers, a real fish in the stream. I can't imagine anyone actually fishes FOR chubs besides getting them for bait to fish for something else.

My thoughts are
The river isn't closed and un fishable when things are out of season
I would not fish a stocked class A not under special regs. A non-stocked gem stream is legal to fish but is C&R till opening day.

What sucks up here in the NW in Venangoland is that Oil Creek is stocked and listed. However, it has a solid, significant NON-TROUT fishery that is closed off in this time.
You could go to the ice dam and pound-up migrating walleye and suckers but NOOOOO....Water's closed due to stockies to be dumped in a few weeks.

Seriously, you want to catch a walleye on a fly rod? The only other place beside Pymy that I would bet $$$ on is below that dam face. And the rest of the watershed is so full of them, fishing this run at this time couldn't do any harm.

And then when the 1st day arrives and all the bait killers show up, they can ruin an otherwise wonderful day fishing for everything and I mean EVERYTHING in that tailwater.

Oh, I didn't think about Tionesta. Well, that's open.

Can catch walleye on fly rod in the Kiski and Allegheny. Have done it on yellow Creek in Indiana Cty too, though there's only a few in there. Crooked Creek is another.
The answer to this might be obvious, but can you guys point me to the section in the summary stating you can fish Class A year round. The only thing I see is a season table showing Class A's are closed from March 1 to opening day.

Next question, and I apologize if this was covered, can stream sections downstream of ATW be fished on a C&R basis March 1 to opening day? I'm talking about a section that receives fingerling stocking but is not designated ATW.
2 of the local streams I fish are non-stocked, Class A wild trout waters. Both with decent populations one really good in particular. I fish these streams 12 months a year, every year.

The local WCO that I know very well has stated repeatedly, you can fish any non stocked Class A from the end of regular trout(around Labor Day) to the first day of the next years trout season on a catch and release only basis. Anytime.

I have talked with him several times while at these streams in the months of December through March.

I hope that helps.
Took a drive along the Breeches yesterday and saw two vehicles with no one in them. Saw one guy in the stream but was pretty far down. And this was in the closed section, not the C&R section. Sick and tired of people not looking at or abiding by the rules. And yes, one of them looked to be a fly fisherman.
Sylvaneous wrote:
JackM wrote:
If stopped, tell them it is your favorite chub stream.

Hey! Right there's where the Sucker Run comes in. Perfect! You are targeting white suckers! I catch plenty of suckers on nymphs early in the season. Totally legit and your conscience can rest easy because, yes indeed, there will be suckers, a real fish in the stream. I can't imagine anyone actually fishes FOR chubs besides getting them for bait to fish for something else.


I'd agree with that last part, ... if I hadn't see smoked chubs in a Pittsburgh grocery store. Crazy mupears! ;-)

I used to fish for suckers in March in the lower part of Tionesta Creek. Lots of them in there.

Edit, what I meant by lower is actually upstream of Nebraska, but below the ATW.

I ddin't think about the part below the dam until you mentioned it.