Magazine Suggestions?

If you have a library card, download the Libby App and there are thousands of magazines available for download at no cost.

I did a quick search and found several fly fishing magazines, including the Drake and Fly Fisherman.
I would agree with this as a very good choice for learning about the broad range of floral, faunal, and ecological related issues in Pa, and not strictly from agency fishing and hunting perspectives. If you are interested in the latest on what the f&w agencies are doing, however, it’s a good way to keep up on activities and proposals. In the final 25-33% of my employment years, this was where I got much of the most current and up-to-date info about my agency’s and the Commissioners’ activities.
I'll add another plug for PA Outdoor News, for the reasons Jmow, Mike and rrt note above. This is the best publication by far if you're interested in up to date information about hunting and fishing in our state.
I’ll add an additional plug for Dark Skies Fly Fishing. Ralph Scherder does a top notch job with this publication.

I’m a regular contributing writer for this magazine and honored to be a part of it. There is always lots of great content. The next edition is set to come out in early February.

The Dark Skies Fly Fishing blog is another good resource to check out.
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PA Outdoor News: PA-focused publication that covers trapping, hunting and fishing. I use this to keep up with general news, I really enjoy the coverage of a public piece of land in each publication that covers what can be done in each park, game land, etc.
If were going to subscribe to any publications this would be one, and another which isn't FFing, would be Pennasylvania Game News.