Lost Net on Ridley Creek



New member
Mar 12, 2007
I was fishing Ridley Creek at the falls on Saturday afternoon. I had landed two fish and when I went to land my third, my net was gone. It had been on a magnetic catch on my back but must have fallen off and floated away. I looked all over and asked everybody downstream if they had seen it. It just disappeared. I t was a teardrop LL Bean wooden net with a bolt embedded in the handle ( to stick to the magnet). It was a gift to me and I'd really like to find it.
Call the local fly shops. Often lost equipment will be dropped off there in the hopes the owner will inquire. On the other hand, whoever found it may treat it as their lucky day. I hope not, but it may be lost for good. Isn't there a boyscout camp or something in that area or a park office? You might ask there as well. Good luck!
I let Barry at the Sporting Gentleman know. It's the best fly shop in the area. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Thanks!