Lost Fishing License

I wasn't fishing - I was at my truck so he couldn't have written a fine. Thanks for playing internet cop though guys.

The license situation has been remedied like I promised. It was an honest mistake.

I guess the world is a better place since I did not stick and release a couple of pellet heads last night...

Thanks for the opinions guys. It is good to see so many righteous people out there. I'll try to live better.
Thanks for the opinions guys. It is good to see so many righteous people out there. I'll try to live better.

Well, living well is the best revenge isnt it? 🙂
TDB wrote:
I wasn't fishing - I was at my truck so he couldn't have written a fine. Thanks for playing internet cop though guys.

The license situation has been remedied like I promised. It was an honest mistake.

I guess the world is a better place since I did not stick and release a couple of pellet heads last night...

Thanks for the opinions guys. It is good to see so many righteous people out there. I'll try to live better.

You beat me to it TDB. I had assumed that based on your wording of the original.
I've heard that before Sal!...🙂

Funny thing is I could list all kinds of "good deeds" I've done by donating, helping with stocking, stream reolcation and stabilization projects, AMD projects - all on my "free" time to give back.

Now I post this scenario (of an honest mistake) and am made to feel like a criminal. I almost don't want to read responses but I am commited now, like I need to defend myself...🙂

Weird stuff these message boards... I would like to think if I could have a beer with you guys on a tailgate at dusk along the Little J, we would all laugh at my situation, but typed words aren't so forgiving...

You're taking it way too personally, in my opinion. You listed a series of reasons why you think you deserved a pass. I am not comfortable with any kind of law enforcement giving preferential treatment for any of those reasons. It's unfair to the "rest of us".

I wouldn't mind at all if he let you slide, but I honestly don't think you have a leg to stand on when it comes to complaining about the rules being enforced. That has nothing to do with whether I'd drink a beer or fish with you. Of course I would.

If I get caught italian sliding or a few mph over the limit, I accept the punishment. I do my damnedest to fight it (because I enjoy fighting things), but have no issues with paying the fine if I am unable to win. I may take issue with the law itself, though. Do you have an issue with the fishing license enforcement laws?

If I were in your shoes, I would have fished, hoping I didn't get caught. I also would have tried to argue my way out of it so I could continue fishing. I would not cry foul if I didn't get my way.

It's nothing to do with higher morality or "holier than thou". It's just not fair to crucify the WCO for doing his job.
I wasn't crucify the WCO. I've stated in other posts that he was doing his job. See, this is what I am talking about in regards to these boards. People type things and then it takes 100 additional words to rebut / set the record straight!...🙂 wow. exhausting.

I did have a long conversation with him and thought we could come to an understanding.

We didn't.

It really isn't a big deal, I guess my point is that I am surprised that we couldn't come to an understanding.. As far as preferential treatment - that is the way life is. I accept it and feel that in serveral circumstances it is warranted (in cases of clear honest mistakes).

I am pretty much of the same train of thought of Jay - I got caught (though I didn't even realize what I had done - honest mistake), tried to fight it, and lost. I accept that. It doesn't stop me from posting on here to lay out some thoughts for consideration. - besides, gives us all something to do this morning right?...😉

I really have no exception with the license enforcement laws. I wish PA would lose the display provision, but other than that they have to do what they have to do. In the meantime, I wish more effort was made sneaking into areas trying to catch poachers where a 1988 ford ranger is parked than to stop guys with Simms waders and Scott rods to see if they have paid their $30... Just kidding guys!!!! No need to respond to this steroetyping joke, i know it will rub the righteous the wrong way...🙂
"Now I post this scenario (of an honest mistake) and am made to feel like a criminal"

Nobody here treated you like a criminal. They just didn't share your belief that you should've been granted an exception to the rules because of your awesomeness.
You should have asked to borrow his pen and proceeded to draw in a trout on your license. I'm sure that would have settled everything...
Bam, That is what I did - I just drew the fish in there - they aren't getting my $...🙂
Shebop wrote:
"Now I post this scenario (of an honest mistake) and am made to feel like a criminal"

Nobody here treated you like a criminal. They just didn't share your belief that you should've been granted an exception to the rules because of your awesomeness.

i don't care what anyone says. That right there is funny.