Lost Fishing License


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2006
If you lost a fishing license and u bought it at walmart. Can you go on the PA Site and make an account and reprint one there for the $6 fee? Or do you need to go back to walmart.
Yuo can do it online here - https://www1.pa.wildlifelicense.com/start.php

Remember - save a pdf copy as a back up !
Awesome, thanks. Saved me a trip
mute wrote:
If you lost a fishing license and u bought it at walmart. Can you go on the PA Site and make an account and reprint one there for the $6 fee? Or do you need to go back to walmart.

I didn't drill all the way in, but I think you can get a replacement license from the site even if you bought the original someplace else.

They say you can get a replacement from any issuing agent, and it is all electronic.


You can definitely print out a form and mail it in with the 6.70, and i think it is the same form.

Other helpful info.


edit: Oops, I was too slow on the search.;-)
Dave's right, with the new system they can just look you up.

Bruno's link definatly is easier.
When I bought mine online, I just made five copies. Keep them in different spots.
that's what I do smallie. One on my vest, one in my wallet, one in my car, and a few at home. I've seen it floating down the stream before and don't want to pay that fee for a reprint. Online is the only way to go now!
Mute, I seem to remember a post from you in the poll about when you buy your fishing license............

mute wrote:
I dont buy one, i just take my chances.
Haha, it was a joke ryan, i wanted to see what the responses would be. And bam, thats for sure, ive gotten alot of people fined there, so many poachers, both with a conscious and without. I cant recall how many times ive called officer bonney.
Well if ones fishing license is attached to ones vest via a safety pin, in my case, it was either from the constant brush getting hung up on, or when i pull my vest out of the back box in my truck and other stuff gets caught on it.

Im sure theres easier ways...

And after 6 years of licenses i dont think thats too bad a ratio. Let another 6 come.
englishprof wrote:
Just curious. How the hell do you lose a fishing license?

The pin comes loose and it blows of your hat. I have more than a few times contacted anglers whose license I've found along the stream or in the parking lot.
An old license holder I had had a crappy pin and came off my waist pack one year on opening day. Never knew it was gone. Came back to the car and someone had put it on my windshield. I was one of the only other cars there at the time. $#!t happens...
a guy found one on the pickering on friday and planned to mail it back. he found it below the foot bridge, so I don't think its yours...
That's why I'm not a big fan of having to display a license. I've lost both hunting and fishing licenses because of those holders, and had to pay a fee to replace them. Plus, there's a lot of personal info that could be useful should it fall into the wrong hands.

Now I use a twist tie to help hold the clip together...
I pin mine inside a mesh pocket of my chest pack. It is displayed but not overtly like pinning it to a hat or vest. I have never been questioned.
I hate having to display it, in fact I don't.

On a side note, and not to streal the thread, I got stopped today and checked. It turns out I did not have the trout stamp. i always click on the Erie combo permit. This year, for whatever reason, it did not process or print out on my license. I asked if I could just fish, since i already had the afternoon off of work, and take care of the stamp later. NO! If I wet a line in the DHALO section I would have a fine. Wow, I've been a lifetime trout stamp purchaser. Can count the # of trout I've creeled on one hand. Donate to the PFBC. Know the WCO personally. Am a state official myself. And I get the big sorry. It is just disheartening that the old trust factor is no longer alive, at least in the armpit of the state I live in!
I like the online version. However, I like the trout stamp- I wish the fish commish would make the License a printable picture and retain that little bit of art.