Looks like 2020 all over again.

I think we all agree that Covid had an influence on all outdoor activities this past year. Pretty easy to see with an increase in fishing license sales and I can attest to the web traffic increase especially in April 2020.

I always recall the conversation about why kids don't fish more as being there are too many other competing activities. Their parents were busy and Billy was playing baseball. I'm not sure if those other activities are back on this spring?

Going to Billy's baseball game is more important, planned, less effort and closer than a fly fishing stream. This is only one factor and one group of people. It will be interesting if the FF interest holds, declines or increases. Time will tell.
lack of sport for kids have made an impact. Lot more time with kids with nothing to do but fish/boat. Projects are getting harder to do with lack of materials.
It's almost as if C&R projects are really popular. Especially when everything else gets shut down to let the fabricated fish spread out.

I stopped by the local FFO the other day and started laughing at the number of trucks in the parking lot. Just turned around and went and caught some smallies.

I remember suggesting PA could use more C&R water and getting chastised because apparently, that's not a commonly shared opinion. In fact, I think there were some people arguing that there are already too many C&R waters.