Looks like 2020 all over again.



Active member
Jul 9, 2018
It's starting to look like last year all over again with crowded streams. The Little Lehigh has been mobbed for weeks, even in crappy weather. I went up to the Lil Schuylkill and there were guys everywhere, same with the Manada a couple weeks ago. I fished a small trib of the Pohopoco last week, a stream where I rarely see anyone and within an hr. 2 different guys jumped ahead of me, shutting me down.

I guess I'll just fish for wild fish until the season opener. Would prefer to do that all season, but my options are bit limited without driving some distance, living in Lehigh County.
Thats nothing new, it always happens to project water this time of the year due to the shutdown on Stocked trout waters. Go there opening day and you wont see another soul, except of course the little lehigh. I dont know why anyone would want to fish there,its a 24/7 zoo.

Lots and Lots of open water to fish this time of year. Good luck!!
Ha Ha Bradfrompotter, precicely! I lived in Emmaus for Years and the upper reaches of the little lehigh were my stomping grounds, lovely area in the early 80's but now it is jam packed.

I always wondered if the Hokendoqua Creek had anything to offer. I also fished the Hosensack a bit 40 years ago.
Brad, yes I guess we are all part of the problem. I guess my main gripe is the lack of respect, or maybe streamside etiquette. That day where those 2 guys jumped in front of me for instance, I was the first car in the parking area. First guy walks up ahead only 50 yds. If there would have been any cars in the lot when I got there I would have left and went elsewhere.
While I would consider someone jumping in front me by 50 yards on a remote stream poor etiquette, what can you expect on a special regs stream this time of year, especially in an urban setting? If I want to fish alone, I sure as hell am not heading towards a keystone select or dhalo section any time soon! In fact on many of those sections, even in ncpa I am happy to have 50- 100yds by myself. I think the increased outdoors use including angling, hiking, boating etc is going to continue right into this year.

I can usually handle the fishing pressure, but if the pressure in the turkey woods is anything like last year, I am going to have to rethink my approach.
Troutmeister wrote:
Brad, yes I guess we are all part of the problem. I guess my main gripe is the lack of respect, or maybe streamside etiquette. That day where those 2 guys jumped in front of me for instance, I was the first car in the parking area. First guy walks up ahead only 50 yds. If there would have been any cars in the lot when I got there I would have left and went elsewhere.

Why does anyone expect respect from everyone else? It's a part of life. Let it roll off you shoulder. You can't expect everyone to do what you would have done.
It's not just anglers who are crowding the stream. I was kept out of a spot on Wednesday because there were people swimming in it. Not something I expected in early March.
lycoflyfisher, Go back and reread my original post. The stream I was talking about is not special regs, but a small wild trout stream only 10-20 feet across.
Were you in the upper parkway or downstream further? A few times I poled a vinyl canoe from Riverbend road down to 15th street. It was a fast ride and a blast......would'nt do it today.
Baron in my original post I was talking about the fly stretch by the hatchery.
Lehigh Co? There are a number of smaller and small streams on the wild trout list and the Class A list.. Some are limestoners and have exceptional numbers of fish.

Since you mentioned the Ltl Schuylkill, there are plenty of wild trout waters in that drainage, plus a little farther west is the fingerling stocked section of the Schuylkill.
Month of March. My least favorite fishing month of the year, Covid or not. All fairly normal.

The last two (very small) Class A Brookie streams I fished both had clear recent angler boot prints on them in the snow. The second actually had two other active anglers on it fishing below me on the same day, without me knowing it until I was driving out. Both of these streams were in fairly remote portions of central PA.

Same thing happened to me last March, on similar streams, but after opening day I don’t recall seeing another angler on any small stream I was on the rest of the year. Also normal.
I am planning on hitting a DHALO area tomorrow on a stream I always really enjoy. Given that the stream will be stocked the 16th of March, I highly doubt I'll see many people, if anyone at all. Most people probably think the "crick is fished out." Plenty of trout will be leftover for me. There always is. I am a little concerned about the snow and ice in between the two mtns though. The roads might not be good there.....yet.
redietz wrote:
It's not just anglers who are crowding the stream. I was kept out of a spot on Wednesday because there were people swimming in it. Not something I expected in early March.

Fished a DHALO stream yesterday. The weather was too nice not to. There were people all around. There were easily a dozen anglers encountered. I still caught fish. In fact, I lost what was clearly a breeder stockie. I talked to a few people, enjoyed the conversations, kept on fishing.

I like the solitude of never seeing another angler. I also like easily accessible water with a lot of fish available. I even like combat fishing in Pulaski. Manage your expectations and they can all be fun.
That is just plain a great attitude. Thanks
This is horrible! People out enjoying the great weather. I fish a lot and I can honestly say I just don't see the bad etiquette as frequently as others seem to. Probably because I believe and behave as if everybody, including me, are entitled to exactly the same thing, nothing more, nothing less.

it's that time of year for everybody to lighten up and share the great outdoors. You might just find other people aren't so bad.
There are some tools out there, but I agree that most times others are courteous.

Anglers will crowd places in March because of the limited amount of open streams. It happens every season.

In a few weeks everyone will spread out and things will be back to normal.

Just get out and have some fun without worrying about the other guy.

redietz wrote:
It's not just anglers who are crowding the stream. I was kept out of a spot on Wednesday because there were people swimming in it. Not something I expected in early March.

Can't be the Gunpowder...........