Looking for a nice reel

Seem to be some reasonable prices here, including a Velocity 1.5 for $161.00 and some from Orvis.
bikerfish wrote:
I really don't think you need much drag on a 5wt real, sealed or not. if your catching fish that big on a 5wt, you need to step your gear up. saltwater, yep, need killer and indestructible drag. 5wt trout reel, nothing but a line holder.

I disagree with those people who say a reel is nothing more than a line holder on a 5wt. I generally fish a 5 wt. on larger bodies of water or when throwing larger bugs or streamers on smaller water. One exception is wind, when I will use it for smaller streams. When you have that 20+ inch trout slam something without a drag and it drags out line fast before you get a chance to palm it or whatever method you plan on using you will realize the value of a good drag system - and you'll remember those fish for the rest of your life :) Just ask me how I know. lol.

I'll second those Lamson's. Not as pretty as some of them but they do have that drag system that is very good.
so tell us, where do you regularly catch 20" trout!!?? your streams have much bigger fish than my streams!
so tell us, where do you regularly catch 20" trout!!?? your streams have much bigger fish than my streams!

A 20" fish is nice, but not that unusual. However, it would seem that if they are that rare in your neck of the woods you would certainly want to insure that you catch it by having a good drag system, no?
biker, I was with ConMan that day on Neshannock and he rolled over and had hooked into a big fish. I saw a significant bend in his rod, heard the reel sing and got a pretty good look at the fish as he was fighting it. Can't say the exact size but I know it was big, especially compared to the above average trout on Neshannock. Screeming reel, then....poof! That fish smoked his reel. He's still agonizing over that fish and disgusted with the reel. LOL

I know there's differences of opinon on this here as this has been a topic of conversation numerous times. Here's my 2 cents...I can probably count on one hand the number of trout on one hand that I've landed that measured over 20 inches. A reel may be a place to hold my line, but in the event that I hook into that special fish, I want to have some insurance that I have a means to bring it to hand!
bikerfish wrote:
so tell us, where do you regularly catch 20" trout!!?? your streams have much bigger fish than my streams!

Not many, but I did have some wild rainbows in the Sierras make my reel work in some heavy turbulence Wed-Fri last week and was glad to have it there. When those suckers get rolling in the river coming down from the melting snow cap, they can really put on a show!

And yes, Jaybo, I'm still sick over that trout, mate!
A good reel at a good price..... How does a barely used Galvan OB for $129 sound? Can't beat that one with a stick... unless it's a fence post. A member of here got to it before I did and congrats on getting a nice addition to your tackle. Let me know how it looks when you get it.

Guess where he got it? Wayne strikes again!
If you think your 5 wt reel is nothing but a line holder you need to fish some bigger water. Hook a real wild bow in a big and you'll wish you wouldnt have bought that 20 dollar reel!
Thanks Sight

Cound't have asked for a better price especially since it also had a Rio Grand WF 6F line on it. Will have to give a crack one of these days
Here are some pics


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brianb wrote:
Here are some pics

Nice! Rio gold lines are awesome!
He got RIO Grand not Gold. Now, is it still awesome? I would use Grand for shoelaces before using it to fish. Didn't care for it. I've got 2 new ones at home if you want to buy them. ;)
No thanks. Lookin for whoosh whoosh line in wf5wt if you know anywhere I could get one on the cheap!
Get what cheap? Rio Gold? I did find it on ebay in 3wt for $40, 7wt for $48, 3, 4 & 6wt for $50. That's about as good as you're gonna do.
You know those lines that go Whoosh Whoosh.......Sharkskin! Fished one out west it was sweet! Made some noise but cast like a dream.........
I got one this spring. I was bothered by the noise at first but I don't even notice it now. Yes, they are nice and are to last very long. FYI, if you fish is all day and your fingers are all pruned up, it makes a mess of your stripper finger.

For a second, I thought you were talking about silk lines. :)