Looking for a loooong nymphng rod...

Will do. Ive only held one, and truth be told, the length is intimidating. There marketing adds are very good though, they have drawn me in.
I have had the Streamflex 10' 3 wt for about a year, good rod for the price. It fishes more like a 4 wt than a 3 wt.
This is just a question. Why would you prefer a soft tip for nymphing and what about action speed, length?

I'm just curious what everyone thinks makes a good nymphing rod........ Great and not just Brand naming. I'm just talking straight nymphing, nothing else.

You never know when I might want to go shopping.
harry, that's interesting that you think the Streamflex 3wt fishes like a 4wt. I have the 4wt and think it pretty much performs like a 4wt. Now that Winston 4wt approaches a 6wt in my opinion and I will definitely be over-lining. Kind of a disappointment as I wanted it to double as a nice smaller stream dry fly rod. The up side is that it will perform pretty well as a float boat rod for the D, keeping my backcast out of the water when I am sitting and having back bone for that 20" brown that HAS to happen this year.

wetnet, you want a light weight rod with a soft tip. Frequency of casting/lobbing is much greater with nymphing and often requires more effort to get indi, weighted multi-fly rig out there. Also you will often be extending your arm to guide the nymphs and/or extend drift. The soft tip comes into play allowing you to feel your flies and takes better. Though we often use heavier leader when nymphing, we often do it very short lined and strikes need to be softened to protect the tippet. The softer tip does exactly that.
You only answered a part of my question. Action, length and weight. (I added weight) I fish an Orvis T3 5 weight, fast action Tip flex 9', but am thinking about moving to a 10'. I love this rod, it is just so versatile, I can small mouth it, tiny trout it and everything inbetween, but I'd like to go to a 10 foot rod and the T3 has given everything I have asked for it, But I don't like the Helios for me. Since I have a great all around rod, I'd love a 10' nymphing rod. Sage, Winston. Greys it makes no difference to me. I do not want to go below a 4 weight based on where I fish and I don't want to waste time, from net to release. I do not like to play a fish.
Well here is the rest of your answer . . . I will sell you a slightly used Greys Streamflex 10' 4wt for $200 shipped. It will answer all your questions!
Heck, I replied and hit a wrong key. You ship it $200 your cost, I'll try it. If I like it I'll send you your postage back with something added.

I am looking for a 10' no shorter, 4 weight fast action, tip flex but I'll consider a 5. I'll want specks before shipment with confirmation of shipment. Same deal to anyone wanting to clean out there closet. I will warn you we have closets of rods here but I picked out my first rod an Orvis T3 9' 5 weight which I bought in the paper shop. I'm not kidding,,,don't laugh.......I It's a great rod, which I will never part with it. Gosh we have, Sage all kinds, G. Loomis etc. But I picked out this rod really early all on my own and my son who owns the 9/10th of the rod closet still says it is simply a pleasure to fish with and a smooth caster and I did really well picking it out, despite I'm just his Mom with a dissolved brain and sensitivity. It has also never failed, I've caught a 5lb bass on it and we just had a Steelhead rod break first time on a 8 inch bass.

Go figure. So since he and his Dad are going to Montana without me, guys clean out your closet's. Nice time for a 2nd rod, won't be cooking for a week, so ASAP! I don't mind paying more but I do not want a Helios. I love my T3 but there is something about the Helios that may be just too much about me that I don't want one for nymphing.

YES!!! Time to shop!
Wetnet & Tuna. Check this from the swap forum:

wetnet - Just an FYI...

That Streamflex rod that jdaddy is offering for $200 is the exact same model rod that Scott Nellins from the UK team used back in 2007. I got to try Scott's, and it was terrific!

$200 for that rod is a very fair price, and I know jdaddy - I'll vouch for him (not that he needs it).

If I didn't already have my Sage 99 4wt, I'd be all over that deal if you didn't want it. :cool:
Wetnet, I did not see your reply before Tuna sent me a PM on the rod. Sorry but if he decides not to buy it I will let you know.
My guys are packing for the flight out to Montana tomorrow. The dog got skunked about an hour ago! :) I got to give her a bath, I smell now too. Sounds like a personal day unless my boss wants me in his office. I got the full air saturated gas when I heard the hubbie yell, loading his luggage in the car and she came streaking to me. Oh the trust of a dog!

What a night!

Oh and yes I do pick out my own rods. If it doesn't work, it doesn't, if you have a sure sale it's all good. Sorry I'd need to try it out. If it doesn't work out I could always find it a new home or use it as a lender rod, it's usually not a problem. I can go abit more for the right rod.

Specs are still 10', fast action, tip flex. Not too soft, I'm too messy to have a noodle. And if I mess up with what I describe, I have to sit down and SLOWLY unwrap my mess which just reminds me what I should never do. If I mess up with a noodle I cry and go home. Makes you ask why I still bother?
Rough night! Sorry to hear about the dog. I know there are lots of remedies out there but not sure which one works best. Let us know!

I hear there is nothing pleasant about a limp, noodley rod so definitely stick with a fast stick with the soft tip. No point in getting all messy and crying, as that is not what it's all about!
I woke up to the smell of skunk, I still stink! My boss gave me a breather so I packed up the dogs and me in my new truck all skunky and took them to the lake and swam them for an hour at 6AM this morning. Smelly, but good! :-D

I haven't had time to work my younger dog in awhile, I have field retrievers. She never missed a beat. Gosh what a great dog that has been bored to death in this house. It was an awakening in every sense. I'll have to get back to some short yard work but I think I'll have her sharp on pheasants for the youth hunt. I just need to find a youth! LOL!
Bought my rod. 9'6" 5wt Winston BIIMX 4 piece, Thanks to jdaddy and an error on a website. This will be my first new rod and I can blame the purchase on insanity caused by this blasted case of poison ivy. I'm on a 2nd course of steroids, antihistamines etc. Next step hospital and IV steroids, which I plan to avoid at all costs. I cannot even phantom putting on waders over this rash so it better hurry up and get better so I can try out my new toy. scratch, scratch :-D scratch scratch :-D :-D
Congrats. The BIIMX series is not being discontinued and if you got it at that published price earlier today, you got a good deal.
Nice rod Wetnet. Good luck with it. Hopefully you'll be back in shape to use it soon.
wetnet wrote:
Bought my rod. 9'6" 5wt Winston BIIMX 4 piece......better hurry up and get better so I can try out my new toy. scratch, scratch :-D scratch scratch :-D :-D

Nice! You beat the heck out of the ol' budget for that one! You deserve it, though.

Have no fears about breaking it in - I'm sure the kid will have it out on a lake in no time. :-D
There's a European company making an 11' 3 weight. I think there called Modern Flies. Also, Loop and Bloke Rods and Grey's are supposed to either make or carry this rod. Maybe worth checking out. I don't know much more about them, read about it on another board.
Heritage-Angler wrote:
wetnet wrote:
Bought my rod. 9'6" 5wt Winston BIIMX 4 piece......better hurry up and get better so I can try out my new toy. scratch, scratch :-D scratch scratch :-D :-D

Nice! You beat the heck out of the ol' budget for that one! You deserve it, though.

Have no fears about breaking it in - I'm sure the kid will have it out on a lake in no time. :-D

Actually I didn't hurt the Ol' budget at all. If I bought it Pa, I'd have to pay tax and maybe shipping. I used some birthday money so with the discount they gave me.... I acquired a $700 rod without paying tax for about half the price and free shipping which most companies do for big purchases. Usually I spend my birthday $$$ on hooks, that I don't get to use. This is not the case this year. HA!!! If my son takes this rod to the lake, I'll be attached to it if he wants to try it out. I'm also looking at a 10' 4 or 5 wt. Streamflex. For $299 I hear it's very sensitive for nymphing. The Winston will be my Delaware rod. I'd like to try them both out neck to neck on the Lack and I have a really good friend that will ship me hisStreanflex to give it a test drive. If the Winston doesn't pan out for me, said son will have first dibs. It was too good of a deal to pass up. You already know the end of the story. LOL!! It will be an awesome streamer rod, which he will need on his never ending quest of poorville.

Since the price was a mistake on the website, I contacted the store and let them know that I wouldn't hold them to it. I would be just fine with the BIIX rod and a credit for hooks. They are very nice people at Blue Quill. We'll see what happens. It's all good, either way.
You are right, the LOOP breaks an awful lot. They sent me two tip sections because it was breaking so frequently.

The 4 weight Greys rod is very good at the 300 price point. I also have a 10 foot 4 weight Hardy Marksman that is extremely crisp. It is a great casting rod and very good for all types of nymphing.

The Shadow PE has a very soft tip section and for that reason I find that the hook sets are not solid and you lose a great deal of fish due to poor hook penetration.

You will like the Greys rod very much. It's the best value overall. Although the rod does not dampen as quickly as the Marksman.

Keep in mind that a faster rod reacts much more quickly than a slower mid flex rod. What this means is that if you are going to be fishing at any distance the rod will take up line quicker when setting the hook on fish, resulting in less lost fish. The rod will also be able to handle a much heavier "load." This will make casting weighted nymph rigs and indicator systems much less fatiguing not to mention that the added length will make for easier mending.