little lehigh

gfen wrote:
I think he's whining about the one in the parkway by the metal bridge (robin hood bridge?).

I'm pretty sure they knocked a couple out of the LL this year.

Yes the Robin Hood bridge dam is where that is.I'm not whining about it,just stating a fact.
Taking the dam out above fish hatchery road did the same thing above the dam,the water is shallow and featureless now.But taking that dam out is a positive overall as now the fish can swim right through there instead of stacking up and getting yanked out by the meat fisherman.
Then there's the butthead thatcame to the pool I was fishing on Pine Creek last spring and started casting over my line and disrupting my fishing with rude obnoxious behavior at a spot that has more than enough room for fifty anglers he act like a child and he was peobably 15 years older than me. He's lucky I didn't push him in and hold him under. When I left I complimented him on being such an A...hole.
I like the featureless characteristics of the LL and the feature full summer scenery.