If not practicing 100% catch and release on wild fisheries is so stupid and illogical, why did TU promote eating wild salmon in its recent magazine? They get it, John Geirlach gets it, Trubski, matt, and I get it.....why don't you?
Sportfishing rarely (I didn't say never) is a major threat to a fishery. If you look at the Eastern Brook Trout Collaborative report, you'll see only a small percentage of fisheries are threatened due to overharvest. We should all leave them alone.
Furthermore, conservation is only one of many values involved in the act of fishing. Getting food from fishing is the founding value that started fishing, and its riduculous that anyone should have to defend a sustainable harvest, even of wild trout.
Lets stop villifying the easy target - the guy with a few fish in his bucket - and focus on the real issues - deforestation, development, agricutural runoff, riparian habitat, invasive species, acid runoff from mines, and thermal pollution - things the C and R fisherman and the meat fisherman should be working TOGETHER on.