Little J No More

CaptMatt wrote:
Farmer Dave, for the record, our definition of a "sail cat" is def different. You are referring to the northern definition and I am referring to the saltwater definition. So I think I have a solution. Come to FL Ill give you a great rate on a charter and we will do nothing but fish for the slimy junk that are saltwater catfish. It would be a charter captain first. You get to handle all the fish because I'm a sissy and your the tough guy. That venom wont even bother you nor will the ER doctor that has to remove the barb. (all joking aside I have 2 buddies who experienced that). Whata ya say?! ha ha ha

SAILCATS!!!!!!!! GAHHHHH!!!!!! :-o

Those things are nasty! Seriously, though, Matt, if sailcat charters ever take off, you'd better watch out! I'll move down and be the charter king. I can't catch snook. I've caught exactly one redfish in dozens of trips to Fl. I've taken 2 different tarpon charters in 2 different parts of the state and have yet to feel the tug of a tarpon on my line. I do OK on snappers, trout, and spanish mackeral. The mighty sailcat, however, is another story altogether. I rule the world of sailcats! :cool: I don't even really need a rod for them, I'm pretty sure if I showed up to any dock and sat around drinking beer long enough they would throw themselves up on the dock for me! Those and toadfish, blowfish, ladyfish and anything else nobody wants will hunt me down and swarm me whenever I'm down there. I'm like the isle of misfit toys for saltwater fish. I'm gonna be in the Tampa area in a month or so, so I'm hoping there'll be Tarpon in Tarpon springs by then, but they are probably reading this right now and planning to head to deeper water. Either that or rounding up a red tide or summoning up a hurricane, or whatever it is my saltwater luck will dictate. Still i wouldn't miss it for the world! Fishing rules!

JackM wrote:
I might be wrong, but I think that barbless hook requirements were abandoned because data showed that mortality was not much greater with the barb. I know I can get a fish back in the water quicker and am less likely to manhandle it or drop it without the barb, so I still mash barbs before tying and usually also do so with purchased flies.

Actually it was because Ric Hoopes said that forcing fishermen to destroy their tackle for a special regulation is uncalled for.
OhioOutdoorsman wrote:
If a fishery is so threatened that it can only withstand C and R fishing, I personally, will not fish it it at all, no matter what the regs are on it. Why stress a population that is that stressed already for what will in all likelyhood be a marginal fishing experience at best?

I guess I just don't understand people who do this type of fishing like some don't underrstand that I feel the need to keep a fish every now and again. And thats fine....there's room on the water for all of us.

I'm due. Plan to fish for some stockers to keep this weekend. Thanks, trubski, for calling it to my attention.

Dear OhioOutdoorsman,

Ever heard the expression, "Twin sons of different Mother's?"

We's twins! :-D

Tim Murphy :)
Dear Matt,

I hope you and the Cap'n ain't confusing sailcats with hardheads?

Sailcats are delicious, think of channel cats that only ate shrimp and oysters their entire lives. Who needs stuffing?

Hardheads are like hardheaded channel cats, they pull your line good but taste only OK and they are about half head so you don't get much meat.

This is a sailcat


This is a hard-head


Tim Murphy :)
TimMurphy wrote:
Dear Matt,

I hope you and the Cap'n ain't confusing sailcats with hardheads?

Sailcats are delicious, think of channel cats that only ate shrimp and oysters their entire lives. Who needs stuffing?

Hardheads are like hardheaded channel cats, they pull your line good but taste only OK and they are about half head so you don't get much meat.

This is a sailcat


This is a hard-head


Tim Murphy :)

Tim, common man I do this for a living. :-o Plus if you like sail cat then you have aquired a taste for a fish that everyone I know hates.
MattBoyer wrote:
CaptMatt wrote:
Farmer Dave, for the record, our definition of a "sail cat" is def different. You are referring to the northern definition and I am referring to the saltwater definition. So I think I have a solution. Come to FL Ill give you a great rate on a charter and we will do nothing but fish for the slimy junk that are saltwater catfish. It would be a charter captain first. You get to handle all the fish because I'm a sissy and your the tough guy. That venom wont even bother you nor will the ER doctor that has to remove the barb. (all joking aside I have 2 buddies who experienced that). Whata ya say?! ha ha ha

SAILCATS!!!!!!!! GAHHHHH!!!!!! :-o

Those things are nasty! Seriously, though, Matt, if sailcat charters ever take off, you'd better watch out! I'll move down and be the charter king. I can't catch snook. I've caught exactly one redfish in dozens of trips to Fl. I've taken 2 different tarpon charters in 2 different parts of the state and have yet to feel the tug of a tarpon on my line. I do OK on snappers, trout, and spanish mackeral. The mighty sailcat, however, is another story altogether. I rule the world of sailcats! :cool: I don't even really need a rod for them, I'm pretty sure if I showed up to any dock and sat around drinking beer long enough they would throw themselves up on the dock for me! Those and toadfish, blowfish, ladyfish and anything else nobody wants will hunt me down and swarm me whenever I'm down there. I'm like the isle of misfit toys for saltwater fish. I'm gonna be in the Tampa area in a month or so, so I'm hoping there'll be Tarpon in Tarpon springs by then, but they are probably reading this right now and planning to head to deeper water. Either that or rounding up a red tide or summoning up a hurricane, or whatever it is my saltwater luck will dictate. Still i wouldn't miss it for the world! Fishing rules!


Matt, You gotta look me up down here man. Thats a streak that has to be broken! Your not taking bannanas with you when you fish are you? Tampa is about 1:45 min drive form punta gorda
you guys crack me up! thanks for the laugh. sailcat king isnt a bad thing at all. its better than queen right? :p