Little Fishing Creek, Colombia County??



New member
Jul 27, 2008
I recently returned to work in Colombia County. When I previously worked there I often fished Fishing creek, but never fished Little fishing creek. Riding around with my boss the other day, up Rt. 42
along little fishing creek. A really nice looking piece of water. didn't see any Posting either.

Could not find any mention of it in either the Landis ,or Wolf guide books.

What's the story with this stream? any insights and experiences, looks too nice not to fish well??!!
The lower end of Little Fishing Creek is stocked, the upper is a Class A for wild brookies. I've caught quite a few wild brookies, even in the lower stocked section a while back, but I haven't fished it for quite a while. There is plenty of access above Millville on Rt 42. Certainly worth giving it a try.