Lititz Run



Well-known member
Nov 21, 2007
Lititz, Pa
With all the progress and efforts made to improve Lititz Run, it is pretty disturbing the see all development done in the last couple years in the area around the Riparian Park. The Township brags about all the work done and then allows huge megachurches, new roads, retirement communities, etc. Looking down from Pierson road it is very discouraging to see the amount of earth moved for the newest planned development.
I understand all of the negative impacts of development insofar as streams are concerned, and they may vary from stream to stream and project to project, but what are your primary concerns regarding Lititz Run and the riparian park?
Mike, if you are familiar with the area, they created a new roundabout right at the park and a new connector road will be opened soon to accommodate all the new development. It's huge and has been going on for a while. hey just added a huge addition to the already enormous church. For the most part the creek originates in town and has huge temp swings during summer to begin with. This can only get much worse.
Ehhhh. It may not be all doom and gloom. I suppose the first thing is zoning laws, which allows much of this development to occur. Unless the areas are zoned to prohibit such development, it’s tough to prevent. With the development comes the most current methods to control storm water runoff, etc. I don’t know what the number is off the top of my head, but land development is a pretty decent percentage of overall construction costs. In my opinion, the biggest detriment to spring creeks is development in its headwaters. We see this with Donegal Creek, which has seems significant draw of water in its headwaters over the past 20 years or so. Lititz Run has always flowed through the town, so dealing with thermal shock from runoff has been around for many years. Warwick Township prides itself in not having a tax increase in many, many years and has one of the lowest municipal tax rates in the county. Rest assured they’ll do what they can to keep tax money coming in (even though churches don’t pay real estate taxes).
To be honest, some of the development may be borough property. I know it's tough to stop development. I'm not sure what low tax rates have to do with this issue. Part of job of a township is to preserve quality of life and sometimes that costs. Certainly the character of the borough and surrounding township has changed and we could argue if it's for the better or worse. Have you seen the size and scope of the projects? Spring Creeks tend to have small watersheds to begin and paving it over can't be good. Maybe it will eliminate some of the impacts of farming.
By the way, I'm not certainly not slamming TU or really the Township. It's just a shame to see so much progress and effort by canceled out. I'm sure the creek will still be much better than it was when TU started work many years ago. They've pretty much performed a miracle and for the most part did things the right way.
Sad to say but I have a feeling that Lititz Run will never be anything but a stocked stream. It is really kind of an illusion that it was really improved. I like the trees and the buffer zones in places but just like a lot of spring creeks in Lancaster County it is polluted and gets too warm to ever amount to much. The most you can hope for is that erosion and stormwater is managed. Believe me, watching this county being completely destroyed by development has been heartbreaking so I fully understand.
Sad to say but I have a feeling that Lititz Run will never be anything but a stocked stream. It is really kind of an illusion that it was really improved. I like the trees and the buffer zones in places but just like a lot of spring creeks in Lancaster County it is polluted and gets too warm to ever amount to much. The most you can hope for is that erosion and stormwater is managed. Believe me, watching this county being completely destroyed by development has been heartbreaking so I fully understand.
I think that I have lived here in Manheim Township, Lancaster County since 2005. My mailing address is Lititz. I fished Lititz Run back in May when I took an introductory fly fishing class with Precision Fly and Tackle.

I didn't catch anything, and the instructor couldn't figure out what the rising trout were feeding on.

I have seen an incredible amount of housing development since living here just like I did when I lived in Bucks County.

Both counties were once rural farming counties, but that has changed forever. These two lane roads in both counties are now overwhelmed with traffic volume.

The above posts described what happens with rapid development. I think that a lot of the younger Amish in Lancaster County don't want to farm and are eager to sell their land to developers. Times are changing.

I feel like we are our own worst enemy. Lititz run is a tough place to fish but if conditions are right it is a good time. Yes the storm water run off causes temperature spikes as it does with many of the area streams. I find that Lititz run recovers much faster than other area streams after a summer storm and temp spike.

I am more worried about what lead to the no fishing signs that showed up last year above the Hess farm that cut off quite a bit of stream access. It's unfortunate and I'm sure it was uncourteous fisherman. Maybe it was the guy that decided to cuss me out because walked passed him and went 300+ yards up stream to fish. All the stream improvements are great but when were are losing fishing access and it seems that the stream attracts some rude fisherman that think they own the stream its just not very high on my care list. I wouldn't be surprised if eventually the landowners that provide access grow tired of us and the fishing welcome signs turn into no fishing signs.
Nomad, you are so “spot on” with your comment. By far, fishermen are their own worst enemy with their rude comments and rude behavior. They aren’t in the majority by far but a few bad actors can ruin it for most everyone.
I (we fisherman) lost access to a nice area this year due to people littering on the owner’s property. Their signs now say, “no trespassing, too much trash!”
Really pizzes me off! Sorry for the rant guys. Didn’t mean to derail the thread.
coyoterahn wrote:
Nomad, you are so “spot on” with your comment. By far, fishermen are their own worst enemy with their rude comments and rude behavior. They aren’t in the majority by far but a few bad actors can ruin it for most everyone.
I (we fisherman) lost access to a nice area this year due to people littering on the owner’s property. Their signs now say, “no trespassing, too much trash!”
Really pizzes me off! Sorry for the rant guys. Didn’t mean to derail the thread.
This is NOT intended to be commentary on the OP (JeffP) and his concerns but to continue the derailment... ;-)

Loose lips sinks ships...

...and cause people to post their property.

Just because a stream is "well known, on the stocking list, or has been written about" means nothing if it is private property and I find it mind boggling that a lot of Internet fame seekers just don't get that.

Other than public property and a few large rivers, we have access through the generosity of private landowners whether you like that arrangement or not.

Blabbing on the Internet, especially accompanied by hero shots and fish counts brings additional pressure, whether you believe it or not and with that additional pressure comes the likelihood of the bad behavior that cause people to post their property.

Do what you want but folks shouldn't be surprised if there is sign "coming soon to place near you."