
FarmerDave wrote:

Well, at least nobody tried to explain how it was a young Sasquatch track and the reason it looks that way is because young Sasquatch walk on all fours.

I was almost gonna go there...I was just having fun with this thread and it gave me a chance to play with the pics. I don't hunt and while I have seen many bears and a few bobcats (wolves and coyotes too),

I don't know how many toes any of them have without reaching down and turning over my house cat. You guys are pretty good because its interesting to see, sometimes, just how many people will doubt their own knowledge when you mess wit the pictures. It all supports my theory about doubting everything you read and at least half of what you see. Carry on. :-D
TG you got me going. I'm glad you didn't go to Sasquatch.
Brookie Eastern Mountain Lions are considered exterpated in the east and extinct.
Well, I'll concede it may be a bear cub. The photos were taken 3 days after bear season and there certianly could have been a lone cub wandering here. How he went a 1/4 mile without leaving a claw mark is the only problem I have with the cub theory.

Pretty sure it wasn't a sasquatch though. I think they have a longer pad on the foot and a more pronounced heel... Just kidding :-D
albatross wrote:
Well, I'll concede it may be a bear cub. The photos were taken 3 days after bear season and there certianly could have been a lone cub wandering here. How he went a 1/4 mile without leaving a claw mark is the only problem I have with the cub theory.

Maybe she just had her nails done and didn't want to mess them up. :-D

The claw marks would be pretty small, and out a little bit from the toe marks. It could be some where there, and you just didn't see them. I don't see any in your picture, either. I'm guessing they would be hard to see in that dirt. Was he walking down hill? :-D

But now i am going to really mess with you guys.

Check out the feet on this cat.

Chaz, what was that you said about "all" cats having 4 toes?

Do a search on Polydactyl Cat or simply "cat extra toes". It really is not all that uncommon in house cats. can you have it on big cats??? I don't see why not, but you tell me. ;-)

And by the way, about half the cats at the Hemmingway museum are Polydactyl. I know some of you know who he was.
The link I posted says bear tracks often don't show claws.
I probably said that alls cats have 4 toes, but I'll qualify that by saying tha tMaine Coon Cats have an extra toe as do some house cats, Mt. Lions and Bobcats do have 4 toes nearly all the time, anyway the toe configuration and pad is wrong for a lion.
I agree with you Chaz. The cat comments was just messing around.

I'm guessing you would be more likely to see the claw marks if the tracks were in deeper mud, or when the bear is walking up an incline. the second part is just an educated guess though. Those tracks are not exceptionally deep.

In an earlier thread, someone mentioned a 46 pound albino cub that was shot in Center County. Two questions. I wonder how wide the paw prints were, and what kind of idiot would shoot a 46 pound cub. People like that give hunters a bad name. Chit, I had a beagle/basset mix hunting dog when i was a kid that probably weighed that much. That cub weight 10 pounds less than my first Brittany for Pete sake.

I don't hunt bear, but I liked it better when it was illegal to shoot cubs. Granted cubs stay with their momma for almost two years, and I've seen second year cubs that were nearly as big as their momma, but nobody is going to mistake a yerling for an adult. They should be off limits as should the females with yearling cubs. Maybe I'm getting soft in my old age.

Yesterday at about 4:00 PM I looked out our slider and watched two yearling deer walk across the pasture and i didn't shoot. Did I mention i love this new place? Passed them up in archery season, too. They are almost like pets, only momma was no longer with them. I figure I will shoot one this weekend ... if i feel like it. Aint as fun when it isn't much of a challenge, but we do like the meat.