Letort News snipet



Active member
Jun 5, 2012
June 9 a Lancaster news station aired a story about Letort Springs and how special and famous it was as a local stream. It featured a fly fisherman whose property is on the stream. Correct me if I heard this wrong, but he stated that in 30 years of living there, he has only caught three trout on the Letort. Believe me I've been skunked there more than once but 3 trout in 30 years? And if this fellow is a member here maybe he could elaborate.
Even though it is a bald faced lie, I tell people the same thing about the Letort when asked...

...and pretty much that same thing about every other creek I fish too. ;-)

However, I will go on record and say that in the 1,346,723 times I have fished the Letort and have encountered other anglers, I have only seen ONE person catch a fish.

Observing them and knowing from experience what matters most there, I chalk their failures almost exclusively to haste with a LITTLE dash of poor technique in stealth & presentation if they aren't moving around too much.

Patience is a virtue and it pays HUGE dividends at the Letort.
He might have been using some stink bait there.

I thought that the older you get the bigger the catch becomes!