Lehigh River Jam and Flow Plan Meeting 10/27/2015


Here is typically how this works. The groups you mentioned usually don't have the funding available for the costs associated with the work/studies that need to be done. The feasibility study will be a 3 yr/$3 million study. Its a doozy!

ACOE has programs that this kind of stuff fall under. There needs to be a non-federal cost share sponsor, like DCNR, PFBC, etc. A politician needs to put this funding into the ACOEs budget.

The LCFA has formed alliances with ACOE, DCNR, PFBC and DRBC to get the previous "Coldwater Study" done that determined if a new tower was installed with selective withdrawal capabilities, there would 30 miles or so of river that could have water temps below 68F. That is a living and breathing document now as a result of those alliances. See the link.


So those alliances are there, we just need the political "push" to get the federal funding and co-sponsor. The groups you mentioned like the LRSA, PATU and local TUs are all on board with this work but do need to get more involved. National TU is aware of this work at some level too. PFBC is behind the work too, they just don't have money but could put "in-kind" services into the pot that count towards the funding.

I believe there needs to be an organized push to our politicians, local, state and federal. ACOE wants to do this next phase of the project. They love to design and then build stuff, so convincing them is not the problem, political support and funding is.

Its a long, tedious and sometimes frustrating process. We have been at this for 10 years and have accomplished much more than we thought we could. If we can get this next phase funded, there should be enough momentum for construction to begin.
I must say I was proud to see the FF crowd outnumber the WW crowd, not that we needed to bully them into a corner (I agree that it was civil and respectful from all sides) but it was a sign that more people are taking the potential of this river seriously. Jake, Dean and Paul (LCFA), you guys really came across as professional and well organized and thank you for the pre-game discussion. As I said in the meeting, what has been done so far is working, by evidence of the numbers of people doing well on the river. Two goals with the flow plan for next year would be to see smoother transitions instead of the Yo Yo sudden ups and down with flows, and allocation of a larger % of water to minimum flows when it counts the most (July-Aug-Sept)

Regarding that once pie in the sky idea of a new tower. I now see this is within reach. The odd truth is money has never been cheaper, and the benefits carry across so many groups and constituents of this area of the state its no brainer. I feel the support is there to push, but needs to have a clear roadmap on how we get there and intermediate goals that are clear and obtainable. I will be reaching out to the LCFA to see where I can help in visualizing that roadmap.

I would also love to see the PFBC take on a formal roll of stocking below the gorge (say in the area of Jim Thorpe) that will put a more official stance on this being a trout recreational river in an already outdoor recreational capital of eastern PA. This will also get them to have more skin in the game.

Now to write up some comments to send to the ACOE pdpa-nap@usace.army.mil (Don’t forget to write and send yours!!)
Yo LR, Smi, Andy and Nick

Thanks for lots of useful knowledge here. It's great to learn about the fine foundation that's been set, and this gives quite a bit to build on to get the Lehigh to a great troutery.