Lehigh River and the PFBC's take on wild trout.

TDB wrote:
Kray - Im right there with you. We've discussed this with Arway. Shoot me a note, I'd be happy to join any forces you have going and/or combine efforts. IMO, this is a much more realistic battle, though I appreciate the potential of the Lehigh as well. Raystown is alright retrofitted - just need to take care of the politics...


Didn't the PFBC look at Raystown when they were gathering information before announcing their Tailwater initiative? I think Raystown was considered but not named as one of the 4 or 5 potential tailwater trout fisheries because of its extensive lake fishery for warmwater/coolwater fish like stripers, muskies, & bass. I'm pretty sure they laid that out as the reasoning why it's not being looked at currently. The Lehigh has a very minimal lake fishery that is very lightly utilized, especially compared to the use Raystown gets. If Kray and other folks near it bring up the interest, I certainly support your efforts as feloow trout angler. Good luck and keep at it.
Hey TimMurphy

Sorry, my bad for not informing you and wasting your time. FWIW, I've read that report at least a half dozen times. So maybe there is some consolation in that. Regardless, it will give you a good background and understanding for when you read Phase II.

The funny thing about this is that some people who don't fish the Lehigh may be hearing this 30 mile tail water fishery, and thinking that there are fish in only the first 10 miles or something.

The situation is that the first 40 miles of the river currently have a massive amount of fish of good sizes. 15-20 inches, with plenty of wild fish. We just can't ethically fish for them when the water climbs up to and over 70.

There are places, where, if I didn't give the trout a break, I could fish year round except in the hottest and lowest of times and probably never give the trout a death sentence. Especially with night fishing.

If you are in the area and you can hit the Lehigh in the spring or fall, and can get a good cfs, you will find great fishing.
Now Beast, let the naysayers (especially those that live so close and write it off without having a clue) believe we're making that stuff up so we can keep enjoying plentiful fish in uncrowded waters. :-D

BTW, I saw at least 4 fly fishers enjoying the river this evening in one long stretch below Lehighton. Odds are they weren't fishing for smallies and chubs. August 20th, temps are favorable, and trout anglers are enjoying the Lehigh. Oh yeah, it's doubtful a year-round 30 mile trout fishery can succeed on the Lehigh. :lol:
BeastBrown wrote:
The funny thing about this is that some people who don't fish the Lehigh may be hearing this 30 mile tail water fishery, and thinking that there are fish in only the first 10 miles or something.

The situation is that the first 40 miles of the river currently have a massive amount of fish of good sizes. 15-20 inches, with plenty of wild fish. We just can't ethically fish for them when the water climbs up to and over 70.

There are places, where, if I didn't give the trout a break, I could fish year round except in the hottest and lowest of times and probably never give the trout a death sentence. Especially with night fishing.

If you are in the area and you can hit the Lehigh in the spring or fall, and can get a good cfs, you will find great fishing.

You're dead on brutha...there are many spots along the river that hold some nice trout as you approach Allentown. There were many tribs along the Lehigh added to the wild trout list in the past year in Lehigh and Northampton counties...thanks to Mike who doesn't seem to be in favor of the Lehigh wild trout notion. I get the rob Peter (where you fish now) to pay Paul (fish the Lehigh) concept but I would definitely fish MORE than I do now if this was available close to home and I would gander than many in the greater Philly area would do the same...I used to take days off work to fish the Lehigh which don't do anymore since its unreliable and many weekends where I can fish its a whitewater event...
I went out this afternoon\evening for smallies below Wallyport, but made sure I brought some Iso's. I learned on the last float with SurfCowboy to be prepared this time. Glad I was. You wouldn't believe the amount of trout I saw tonight......and caught. Especially down near Treichlers. There was a bubble line we spent a good hour on until we could no longer see. 60+ fish just feeding everywhere and a few feet next to the boat. They were taking my Iso on 3x, because that was all the tippet I remember to bring.
SBecker wrote:
I went out this afternoon\evening for smallies below Wallyport, but made sure I brought some Iso's. I learned on the last float with SurfCowboy to be prepared this time. Glad I was. You wouldn't believe the amount of trout I saw tonight......and caught. Especially down near Treichlers. There was a bubble line we spent a good hour on until we could no longer see. 60+ fish just feeding everywhere and a few feet next to the boat. They were taking my Iso on 3x, because that was all the tippet I remember to bring.

Lol. You're killin' me man, now I am considering a 330 am cannonball run to hit the Gorge, before the heat moves in tomorrow. All I can think about now is those black shucks all over the boulders.
I wouldn't say massive amounts of fish. 5000+ fish per mile is massive. But after summers like this, the trout have not had a great deal of stress and there should be good numbers of trout for fall fishing.

FYI -- the temp gauge at the USGS station in white haven is on the fritz. Release temps are probably around 65F right now.

Had a friend on the river last night. Good fishing/catching was reported. Isos.

Get out before the weekend....big pulses of water for the rafters this weekend.

PA law requires me to call BS without photos to support your story.
Meh, doesn't matter to me if ya believe me.


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Look at how fat that thing is!!! The fish is also pretty nice.

I will be up Friday am to give it a shot before the white water release.