Legal? - The Answer

Chaz wrote:
As I read the response it said nothing about Wilderness Trout Streams and Class A Tributary streams. So if you were to ask me nothing is clear except that you can't fish any ATW during the period March 1 to opening day.
Maybe we should all go fish a section of stream in question and force the stuborn folks at PFBC to just say ATW is closed all wild trout stream secions are open.

Chaz, what part of this do you not understand. Only the waters listed as ATW are closed to fishing from March 1 to opening day.
If there's a Class A section within the boundaries of an ATW, then you can't fish there March 1 to opening day. The boundaries are the entire stream if no boundaries are listed in the regs, but if there are boundaries listed then anything outside of them is not closed. Tributaries aren't closed if they aren't listed as an ATW.

(I think!)
Wulff-Man wrote:
If there's a Class A section within the boundaries of an ATW, then you can't fish there March 1 to opening day. The boundaries are the entire stream if no boundaries are listed in the regs, but if there are boundaries listed then anything outside of them is not closed. Tributaries aren't closed if they aren't listed as an ATW.

(I think!)

and as long as you aren't fishing it within 25 feet of the listed ATW. :-D
FarmerDave wrote:
and as long as you aren't fishing it within 25 feet of the listed ATW. :-D

Fishing or not, don't find yourself up against a "rebuttable presumption" that you are fishing if you have in your "possession a fishing line, rod or other device that may be used for fishing while on or in water where fishing is prohibited or on the banks within 25 feet of the waters." 58 Pa. Code 63.4. :-o