Laurel Highlands native brookie fishing



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Nice day today. Good flows and cool temps and lower humidity.

Very nice fish!! Without the recent rains that stream would really be tiny. I would have likely overlooked it’s potential.
Folks can say what they will about how small many of our wild trout are, but their colors and markings are second to none. Beautiful native.

Thanks acristickid, this gives me some motivation to get out there!!
I think they call this micro fishing. Not that there's anything wrong with it. I'm sure it takes skill and patience. And yes, the fish are colorful.
microfishing is typically referred to using minimalistic equipment to target primarily non game fishes such as various minnow, shiner and darter species.
@Landmark...I just fished three higher elevation streams on Sat. Caught several native specks in the 9-11" range to go with several wild browns up to 15"...hardly micro-fishing :) Sure, I caught some dinks, but they didn't make up the majority of my catch. Seek and ye shall find brother. You'd be surprised what I and others on here catch out of blue lines off the grid. It's tough to beat hooking a 15" fish on a 7' 3wt, for me at least.
Yes good small stream fishing. On days after a rain, browns hitting dries almost like the brookies usually do...


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^ pretty scenery

I’m my rush to try and imbed photos instead of just the links I forget to mention that I landed about a 5 inch brookie that had some kinda meal. It’s stomach was bulging out and was happy to return the fish to the water without it losing its meal- wonder if it was a cicada.
Like the thread, btw in tiny poconos ravine streams have had early am water temps below 60 last few weeks. It was expensive at $85, but bought a fluke 59 infrared thermometer online to watch the water temps.
Nice belly on that brookie, cicada fishing has been fun! I'm really itching to get back into Central PA and hit the cold water, warm just doesn't do it for me
That lumpy brookie is from a few years ago. But the brookies were full of periodical cicadas and lumpy that day.