Launch of the new Pennsylvania Fly Fishing Magazine

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I'm sure in the tying section, "Trout Dog" forgets to mention how his son-in-law originally developed and was the first to fish the Brown Weenie. "Trout Dog" quickly took credit for this inovative fly and then single handidly cornered the market on Brown Weenie chenille. 🙂
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I'm sure in the tying section, "Trout Dog" forgets to mention how his son-in-law originally developed and was the first to fish the Brown Weenie. "Trout Dog" quickly took credit for this inovative fly and then single handidly cornered the market on Brown Weenie chenille. 🙂
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Dave: Once again, I feel the need to correct your error (s). The inaugural issue of Pennsylvania Fly Fishing is hanging on the wall, next to my fly tying desk. Obviously this is the second issue, and it only took an additional twenty years to be published, it must be well worth the money. While reading the latest issue, I found your article on: "Tying the Volcano Fly in the Hallton Hilton", certainly a must read for everyone. I also read the Brown Weenie article and can confirm it is the all time best selling fly on E-Bay, but the special tying yarn is almost impossible to purchase. When will you and Hank be fishing Fist Fork again? That should give you plenty of material for the next edition. Troutdog
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Dave: Once again, I feel the need to correct your error (s). The inaugural issue of Pennsylvania Fly Fishing is hanging on the wall, next to my fly tying desk. Obviously this is the second issue, and it only took an additional twenty years to be published, it must be well worth the money. While reading the latest issue, I found your article on: "Tying the Volcano Fly in the Hallton Hilton", certainly a must read for everyone. I also read the Brown Weenie article and can confirm it is the all time best selling fly on E-Bay, but the special tying yarn is almost impossible to purchase. When will you and Hank be fishing Fist Fork again? That should give you plenty of material for the next edition. Troutdog
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Dave: Once again, I feel the need to correct your error (s). The inaugural issue of Pennsylvania Fly Fishing is hanging on the wall, next to my fly tying desk. Obviously this is the second issue, and it only took an additional twenty years to be published, it must be well worth the money. While reading the latest issue, I found your article on: "Tying the Volcano Fly in the Hallton Hilton", certainly a must read for everyone. I also read the Brown Weenie article and can confirm it is the all time best selling fly on E-Bay, but the special tying yarn is almost impossible to purchase. When will you and Hank be fishing Fist Fork again? That should give you plenty of material for the next edition. Troutdog
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Nice April Fool's joke. A bit obtuse, but I get it. Stocking reports on steroids, Technology averse readership. For anything like this to be successful, you'd have to do more than the Field & Stream and Pennsylvania Game & fish useless boiler-plate. And you'd have to get a lot of people to photograph and write for you AND they'd have to be good and unique. And 12 issues a year? Absurd. No chance it could last without being a quarterly. And good luck getting people to give up their spots and techniques around here. I could do a piece on flyfishing the middle allegheny for smallmouth but there aren't a whole lot of situations that haven't been beaten to death like all the cumberland streams, the mountains of N. C. PA. grannoms on the little J, Tricos on the Little Lehigh, Cahills & sulfurs on Oil Creek, caddis on Neshannock. Inch-deep and mile-wide coverage would be useless. It would have to be in-depth, well photographed and you'd have to have the quality writers & photographers to do it to make it work more than 3 seasons.

so, good one, Dave. A bit cynical, like No Child Left Behind (many are and there is only so much we teachers are able to do about it) but still, good for April 1st!

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Nice April Fool's joke. A bit obtuse, but I get it. Stocking reports on steroids, Technology averse readership. For anything like this to be successful, you'd have to do more than the Field & Stream and Pennsylvania Game & fish useless boiler-plate. And you'd have to get a lot of people to photograph and write for you AND they'd have to be good and unique. And 12 issues a year? Absurd. No chance it could last without being a quarterly. And good luck getting people to give up their spots and techniques around here. I could do a piece on flyfishing the middle allegheny for smallmouth but there aren't a whole lot of situations that haven't been beaten to death like all the cumberland streams, the mountains of N. C. PA. grannoms on the little J, Tricos on the Little Lehigh, Cahills & sulfurs on Oil Creek, caddis on Neshannock. Inch-deep and mile-wide coverage would be useless. It would have to be in-depth, well photographed and you'd have to have the quality writers & photographers to do it to make it work more than 3 seasons.

so, good one, Dave. A bit cynical, like No Child Left Behind (many are and there is only so much we teachers are able to do about it) but still, good for April 1st!

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Nice April Fool's joke. A bit obtuse, but I get it. Stocking reports on steroids, Technology averse readership. For anything like this to be successful, you'd have to do more than the Field & Stream and Pennsylvania Game & fish useless boiler-plate. And you'd have to get a lot of people to photograph and write for you AND they'd have to be good and unique. And 12 issues a year? Absurd. No chance it could last without being a quarterly. And good luck getting people to give up their spots and techniques around here. I could do a piece on flyfishing the middle allegheny for smallmouth but there aren't a whole lot of situations that haven't been beaten to death like all the cumberland streams, the mountains of N. C. PA. grannoms on the little J, Tricos on the Little Lehigh, Cahills & sulfurs on Oil Creek, caddis on Neshannock. Inch-deep and mile-wide coverage would be useless. It would have to be in-depth, well photographed and you'd have to have the quality writers & photographers to do it to make it work more than 3 seasons.

so, good one, Dave. A bit cynical, like No Child Left Behind (many are and there is only so much we teachers are able to do about it) but still, good for April 1st!

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Well it has been several years in the making, but today I am proud to announce the launch of Pennsylvania Fly Fishing Magazine. The regions newest and best publication about fly fishing in Pennsylvania. Here is my upcoming interview with Field and Stream due out in May.

Bob: So Dave what made you interested in creating a new fly fishing magazine?
Dave: The world is changing and timing is everything. The market seemed ripe to deliver a monthly highly visually and comprehensive publication about fly fishing in the region. There is so much to offer outside the overly dynamic world of the Internet. For some people web browsers can be pretty daunting Bob.

Bob: So Dave who will be reading this magazine?
Dave: Probably not a lot of people at first. Once I get past the viewership issue and the distribution thing worked out it will be smooth sailing. I am confident some successful mail campaigns will really spike readership and new reader awareness.

Bob: When will that happen?
Dave: I am looking to get those cards dropped in August. Can we talk about something else?

Bob: Sure Dave so who is it targeted for?
Dave: If they get Readers Digest those are my peeps.

Bob: So Dave would you say your market is anglers who fly fish in Pennsylvania that subscribe to Readers Digest?
Dave: You got it Bob and they are really adverse to technology.

Bob: Sounds like the Amish?
Dave: Can we talk about something else?

Bob: So Dave what can readers expect.
Dave: A lot! First off we will be providing quite a bit of high quality photography and will be encouraging our readers to send in their photos from their cell phones to participate and get engaged. The magic of the magazine will feature a lot of hot topics and timely articles on things like hatches, fly tying, and the latest cougar sightings.

Bob: Dave, cougar sightings? Why cougar sightings?
Dave: I have found that fly fisherman have a unique opportunity to observe and report on the many cougar sighting across the region. For some reason more so than any other sportsman, fly fisherman see and dwell on these wonderful predators that are found throughout the region. So we are going get our readers involved.

Bob, we will also provide stocking report on steroids.

Bob: How so?
Dave: We are going to work on even more comprehensive coverage with GPS locations over where buckets of stocked trout are dumped into a stream. This will give our readership a distinct advantage over other anglers. Think about it, what angler wouldn't want to have this for example on the Tully - 78.67554 42.09866 / 35 9" brown trout!! The value proposition is tremendous.

Bob: Dave that sounds very intriguing, but how will you be able to get that kind of data?
Dave: Working those details out now. Looking at RFID tags on trout as one option. Can we talk about something else like stream reports?

Bob: Sure what about stream reports?
Dave: Of course what would a fly fishing magazine be without stream reports? Really overlooked and certainly high value content. We will establish a new system of just in time emails from viewers and receive them just before we go to press. While Angling Reports for Trout , sent via Email about Streams or WARTLESS Reports as I like to call them will be set up for this new way of reporting on the streams in the area. Now they won't be very well curated at first, but again timing is everything. Who wouldn't want a WARTLESS Report?

Bob: Not sure about the reports but tell me more about fly tying.
Dave: Bob this is exciting and in our first issue we have something special for our readers. We are featuring regionally renown tyer Ron "Trout Dog" Kolman and his dreaded Brown Weenie. He ties a wonderful Green Weenie, but claims the brown version looks and resembles a more realistic trout pellet. Of course step by steps will be included.

Bob: What kind of lead articles will you have?
Dave: Our first feature article is called Don't Stand so Close to Me. Have you ever had someone jump into your hole and cast over you? Well this article discusses what the correct scientific distances are of acceptable stream entry when fly fishing and what you should do about it. Lets just say I am not advocating a taser, but you will have to read the article to really look at the options discussed.

Bob: What else can readers expect?
Dave: We plan on having monthly interviews with nationally renown anglers. I want to surprise everyone a little bit in the first issue, but I can say his first name is Hank. He is one of the best and brightest rising star's in fly fishing today.

Bob: So how can readers get a hold of the magazine.
Dave: Look for a mailer coming this August in the mail.
(Spoken with cheesy Kung Fu movie dubbed in accent):
"Your pathetic Brown Wienie is no match for my Memory Foam Bread Bug Blaster!"

PS: I think there will be many cougar sighting threads emerging in OT forum...
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Instead of letting this remain an April Fool's joke, perhaps you should really undertake this enterprise. You might be surprised.
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