Late Hatches

Last year I went to State College in March, I don't remember the dates, that's not important. When I was driving along the Sus. and Jun. Rivers they were both covered in ice. Over the course of the weekend it got very warm and the next day on my return both rivers were open from Lewistown to Harrisburg.
Stone flies and BWO's are hatching everywhere there is open water, so I don't know about any hatches being 'late.'

I know some guys who have already been out matching BWO hatches
The early hatches are bwo's,caddis,black stone flys and wild turkey on the rocks.
I've had Bluebirds inspecting the boxes lately, and a pair of Goldfinches at the feeder this morning. Perhaps suggesting not so late hatches, at least on my edge of Westmoreland Co.
DaveS wrote:
I've had Bluebirds inspecting the boxes lately, and a pair of Goldfinches at the feeder this morning. Perhaps suggesting not so late hatches, at least on my edge of Westmoreland Co.

I have starlings in my roof already. Also suggesting that mother nature is on track...and that I need a quieter shotgun.