Late Hatches



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
Everything will be two weeks late this year if I am still skiing on St Paddy's Day. Seems like a sure thing this year. 30 plus days on the skis again this year. 2000.00 bar tab to go with it:)

Adjust your trips accordingly
Two weeks late, or on time historically... ????
Perfect hatch timing...just as it is every year. Only sure bet is rain during JAM weekend. :)
Geez maybe BYOB après ski? PS: 0 vertical for me these last 3 seasons- the thrill is gone with $60 lift tickets and all.
JG63 wrote:
Geez maybe BYOB après ski? PS: 0 vertical for me these last 3 seasons- the thrill is gone with $60 lift tickets and all.

There are many many many many hot Chocolates on that tab. I agree it is getting insane with 75.00 holiday weekend tickets.

However I get to see this.

temperatures from Monday on look quite seasonal and stable.

If only we had temps is the 70s-80s like March 2012, hatches would be a month early and Id already be fishing over Gordon's and Hendricksons. Probably gonna be a typical year by the looks of it.
Nah to many other variables.
I wouldn't bet on skiing on St. Patty's day unless you are planning on skiing in the northern New England states (really not sure where Room 109 is?). Historically the jet stream will shift and we will be dealing with a lot of snow melt and runoff. So get ready for some high muddy water for a period of time. We have been dealing with these artic fronts dipping way into the southern portion of the country for quite a while now so I think the shift could come fast and hard. As far as the jam goes .... that's kind of just like a crap shoot!
usually we have a st paddy's day snow(12-24') and usually 2 other 6" storms to goas well. It was -2*f this morning at 6am here.
usually we have a st paddy's day snow(12-24') and usually 2 other 6" storms to goas well. It was -2*f this morning at 6am here.
I'm not sosure about the late hatches. They're calling for a nice warmup next week - around here anyway.
Even after that lousy winter we had last year, I seem to remember most hatches coming off pretty much right on time
Black stones coming off? Not on Clarks. It's 99.9% frozen over. Even the riffs! Drove up to see the nephews and got a look at it today. Even with 2 days of near 50 temps, she's solid. It must have been colder than I thought. Can't remember seeing it that iced over and definitely not this far into March. Stocking impossible. Follow Bruno and wax up the skis. Lmao
I bet most are right on schedule.

Clark's is down in a valley that even feels cool in the summer. It doesn't surprise me at all that it's still froze. Forget the skis, plenty of open water other than Clark's.
Little Black Stoneflies coming off like crazy in Susquehanna near Wrightsville. Ducks were enjoying them. Also BWOs in the Run at Boiling Springs two weeks ago. My guess is hatches will be right on time. I like the hatch charts that show what plants are flowering at the same time as hatches. That system has been reliable over the years.
The narrows in Dauphin only had one very small section that was moving water. In the last 24 hrs, it's opened up almost 100 yds wide. Won't be long til it's flowing water again. Only bug I've seen is a house fly.
skiing will def be possible on st paddy's day, both 7 springs and hidden valley have 100 percent of terrain open, however, hidden valley is now closed during the week, leaving 7 springs as the only weekday game in town.( in fact, they could easily stay open into april, but probably won't due to lack of crowds) I have this coming weekend for hidden valley, then it's off to Taos for some spring skiing!!
Bruno, it's been a great year! I'll have to add up how many days I got in, it's gotta be a bunch, every weekend from thanksgiving till now, and quite a few Fridays as well!!! (I refuse to add up my bar tab!!)
It def gets the legs in shape for wading in penns and hiking up those brookie streams!
the hatches will happen when they happen.
my first day of fishing this year will be in New Mexico!! And the creeks around my house MIGHT be free of ice when I get home, haha!!
Creeks are starting to open up, but during an ice fishing outing yesterday everything up north is still frozen.
As for skiing, Bear Creek was open last night. I suspect it will still be open by St. Patrick's Day. They've been making snow since early Nov.
bikerfish wrote:
Bruno, it's been a great year
my first day of fishing this year will be in New Mexico!! And the creeks around my house MIGHT be free of ice when I get home, haha!!

Hope you find a Martini tree ( and if you do send me a pic ) and float the Yough this year. Great times.

Al and Luke are the Dudes !
soon we will be overrun with bugs and the thread will be .... Best bug spray for the money errrrr somthing like that.