Late fishing buddy

Anybody else have a fishing buddy who is always late? Nothing drives me more crazy than sitting around waiting for my fishing buddy who is always at least 10 minutes late and sometimes as late as 30 minutes. Usually he texts me an excuse about having to take a mean crap. It’s not like he gets up to uncover and hitch up the boat and take a mean crap. Who doesn’t take a mean crap every morning? Or better yet, who doesn’t account for this when they have to be somewhere? Lateness drives me out of my mind. There is simply no reason to be late for anything ever. Geez, I wish he would get here soon. I’m gonna make him stay out in the heat longer.
I resemble that remark.
but never more than 15 minutes.
Sounds like most of you might prefer to fish alone; then you won't have this issue.
Sounds like most of you might prefer to fish alone; then you won't have this issue.
Dear rrt,

Or those who arrive on time, as many people have shown they do, can pair up and fish. While the rest of the folks can mill about waiting on the if come that their buddy even shows?

If you commit to something, then you arrive on time, or call and explain the delay. It's a respect thing 100%.


Tim Murphy :)
I agree with the tardiness being disrespectful. But, if it's habitual, I'd just tell them an earlier time to compensate.

Worse, in my mind, is a buddy I have that makes plans and cancels them last minute. I think it's 12 trips he's cancelled so far (including a multi-day out-of-state trip with a guide which I was on the hook for). I gave up making plans to fish with him. It's now up to happen stance if we fish.
Canceling out on trips at the last minute is really disappointing. I have had people cancel that left a last minute struggle to find the needed stuff that the buddy was supposed to bring, or result in having to drive very long hours alone instead of taking turns. Makes me very reluctant to ask the person again for a future trip unless their reason was very good ( like a medical issue).
One lesson I learned the hard way that I now adhere to religiously is when fishing with a "buddy," ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS drive to your fishing location in separate vehicles and NEVER with the so called "buddy."

That way you can abandon them when necessary which is good feeling after being F'd more than a few times in the past....
Here's a good one:

Buddy and his family rented a cabin in the mountains, and my family came up and got a campsite a couple miles away for two nights. The first night, we get together and grill a big meal and have a few margs and beers and let the kids go feral. It's a great little party.

We head back to camp about midnight because my friend and I have plans to fish at the asscrack. He, with the boat, will pick me up at the road closest to my campsite at 5 am, as it's a short hike in to the actual site.

Well, I'm a tiny bit drunk and it's pouring rain and I'm sleeping in a tent with my family of four, so I know it's gonna be a pretty rough night of sleep. I kinda just do the one-eye-open thing watching the clock until dawn, then I sneak out so I don't wake the family. I walk out to the road, surely looking and feeling my best, where I wait with my gear... for over an hour.

Little do I know that, at some juncture between 12 am and 5 am, his... family... decided there would be no fishing the next day. Surprise!

Now, you can send out all the last minute, middle of the night texts you want in these mountains. The thing is, nobody is going to receive them. Much later in the day, I happened into a clearing where there was service, and my phone exploded with the 10 hour old messages telling me it was off. Excellent.
If you have one friend that does it repeatedly, they are the problem. If you have several friends like that, well....
Providing notice of lateness is only a replacement of promptness if it’s an occassional out of the ordinary thing. Sending a text at about the time of arrival every trip is no more acceptable than the lateness. If you can be habitually late you can be habitually early. Driving separate cars would only provide the missing an additional excuse. I failed to mention that my buddy lives roughy two minutes from me in the next neighborhood over so separate cars would be wasteful.

I know anytime someone invites me out on their boat, I stop and get sandwiches, a breakfast snack, coffee and I arrive early and get my gear loaded so we can eat a donut in the driveway or pull out at the arranged time depending on what my gracious host wants to do.
Had a relative who was never ready to go hunting when we got there to pick him up - and always late to arrive at our house when meeting there.
So we started to leave at the agreed upon time whether he was ready or not. He got left behind a few times and got the message.
I only fish with my sons. They know 5:30 am is not 5:45 am. On the other hand, my wife seems to think the clock runs backwards when you get in the car.
What are the chances that two or more people will arrive at the same place at the same time?
Y'all have some bad fishing buddies.
That’s the thing, I really enjoy fishing with him. That’s what makes it double maddening.
What are the chances that two or more people will arrive at the same place at the same time?
That depends, are they arriving by boat or train?
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Perhaps a 2 hole penalty should be enforced for every 15 minutes your partner is late? Or, if you’re on a big stream where you don’t need to hole hop, they have to fish behind you for the first hour, add an hour for ever 15 minutes late?
When I was a kid I had a younger friend who didn't drive. Back then it was no big deal for me to want to leave at 5:00 a.m. My younger friend was perpetually late. I put up with it for over a year. He was always sorry. "I over slept" or "my alarm didn't go off". I finally threatened him if he was late next time I was leaving. Of course he was late and I left. Since he was too young to drive he was never late again.