Late fishing buddy

My question, if you agree to fish with someone and you get there an hour before the agreed upon time, do you wait for them or go ahead and fish without them?
There’s usually a good riff near the parking area, or at least enough stuff to rig up, organize, retie, prepare, etc that I can easily fill half an hour. Worst case I’ll get fully suited and rigged up just to give them extra anxiety when they show up while I bitch at them for being slow 😂I
Exactly what I mean when I say people who are regularly late to everything don’t recognize they are late. When my FIL shows up to anything, he never acknowledges being late or apologizes for it, or asks when I got there or how long I was waiting. I honestly think that he thinks he was on time. It’s weird because he’s an overly considerate person in just about every other aspect of his life.

Look, once in a while something comes up last minute and everyone is a little late on occasion. No big deal. Some people are literally never on time, for anything though. And they don’t think, or maybe more accurately, don’t recognize that it’s rude or inconsiderate. Everyone’s just wired different I guess.
Oh, to be clear, I wasn't talking about myself. I stay on time. I was talking about my allowance for other people's jackassery. And I relate exclusively with jackasses...

But my butthole is not puckered over someone wasting 12 minutes of my time
It's much worse when a person is late returning to the vehicle after an outing - unless there is still daylight to fish in.
If I tell you I am going to be somewhere at a specific time, I'm there and usually early because to me it is a respect thing. If I even THINK I may be late due to traffic or other issues, I call...
I like to be 30 minutes early
I am a puntual person. I hate being late to things. I really hate it when other people make me late for things and I have to wait for them.
What about if they arrive 30 minutes early while you're still in your pajamas tying flies?

I am punctual to a fault sometimes, but I have a 15 minute grace period depending on their academic rank? before I start fishing. I would probably default to Swattie87's approach and fish a section below where a buddy and I are slated to fish if I was really early.
I'm as punctual as they come, always have been. I look at it as a respect thing. Being a solo fisherman almost exclusively, it's not an issue I've had to deal with. I have NEVER been late taking myself fishing.
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I had this happen quite a bit in the distant past, or more annoying, break plans at the last minute. I've fished alone for the the past 40 years--I'm much happier...
I’ll fish with someone who is habitually late any day over someone who wants to give up at the slightest hint of adversity. That ish is a real buzz kill
So if you know they are going to be late why are you on time ?
Anybody else have a fishing buddy who is always late? Nothing drives me more crazy than sitting around waiting for my fishing buddy who is always at least 10 minutes late and sometimes as late as 30 minutes. Usually he texts me an excuse about having to take a mean crap. It’s not like he gets up to uncover and hitch up the boat and take a mean crap. Who doesn’t take a mean crap every morning? Or better yet, who doesn’t account for this when they have to be somewhere? Lateness drives me out of my mind. There is simply no reason to be late for anything ever. Geez, I wish he would get here soon. I’m gonna make him stay out in the heat longer.
I was a chronically late person, until a therapist explained to me that lateness is selfishness and asked how I felt being selfish with people I care about? Fixed.

If I’m habitually late that means that my time is more valuable than your time. And that means, whether I realize it or not, I’m dick.
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What about if they arrive 30 minutes early while you're still in your pajamas tying flies?
Those flies that I was tying last minute while sitting in my underpants were the ticket that day. I can't help you were too stubborn to tie one on.

I was still there BEFORE the arranged meeting time. I actually got there early because you were arriving early, so I quickly left the vise, put clothes on, and proceeded to out fish ya. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

I am just busting your balls. Let's fish again soon, though.
I agree 100% with what some others have already said, namely that it’s a respect thing. I believe that people that are late, without some unusual extenuating circumstances, generally don’t give a darn about others. I feel “better never than late”.

Years ago I played a lot of baseball in high school, and had one of the best, if not the best, coaches of that era (he was later elected to the Florida sports hall of fame, or whatever it’s officially called). I’ll always remember what he said when anyone was late, for anything: “A dollar waiting on a dime.” - meaning that the person that’s waiting is worth way more than the person who is late.
Those flies that I was tying last minute while sitting in my underpants were the ticket that day. I can't help you were too stubborn to tie one on.

I was still there BEFORE the arranged meeting time. I actually got there early because you were arriving early, so I quickly left the vise, put clothes on, and proceeded to out fish ya. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

I am just busting your balls. Let's fish again soon, though.
I was trying to be diplomatic and say pajamas, but yes the text does indeed say underpants :ROFLMAO:
I came to offer my condolences. You have my sympathy.
Thank you
Unless the buddy is providing a boat, tackle, fried chicken, etc. just start fishing without him or her (unless you need their assistance). You can tell as many lies as you want to about the fish you hooked before they finally showed up.
I’m providing the boat and tackle, no fried chicken and the ride to the river.
Doesn’t make anyone a bad person, I love my FIL, and love fishing with him, but yeah, I get it.
correct. My buddy is a great fishing buddy, when he arrives.
I think being consistently late is rude and inconsiderate.
This thread reminds me of an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond. "*** In Seat" it did not work out well for Ray.
Didn’t see it. Agree that being on time is being 15 minutes early.
So if you know they are going to be late why are you on time ?
i have no good answer.

I can see if your late for the last thing you do in a full day but to be late right out the gate for the very first thing of the day?

The worst part was, he had the audacity to out fish me 6 to 4. He even lost more fish than I did at 3 to 2, and he caught the biggest fish, a really nice 24” fat river walleye. How dare he. The humility of having to pay for his ice cream cone on the way home was painful.
I agree with the tardiness being disrespectful. But, if it's habitual, I'd just tell them an earlier time to compensate.

Worse, in my mind, is a buddy I have that makes plans and cancels them last minute. I think it's 12 trips he's cancelled so far (including a multi-day out-of-state trip with a guide which I was on the hook for). I gave up making plans to fish with him. It's now up to happen stance if we fish.
Presentation is most important. We'll played. My wife has to be early for everything.
If I enjoy wasting time, is it truly wasted?
Anybody else have a fishing buddy who is always late? Nothing drives me more crazy than sitting around waiting for my fishing buddy who is always at least 10 minutes late and sometimes as late as 30 minutes. Usually he texts me an excuse about having to take a mean crap. It’s not like he gets up to uncover and hitch up the boat and take a mean crap. Who doesn’t take a mean crap every morning? Or better yet, who doesn’t account for this when they have to be somewhere? Lateness drives me out of my mind. There is simply no reason to be late for anything ever. Geez, I wish he would get here soon. I’m gonna make him stay out in the heat longer.
Wait a minute……….I didn’t know you fished with my friend Josh too! I feel your pain!