Late fishing buddy



Well-known member
Dec 7, 2013
Anybody else have a fishing buddy who is always late? Nothing drives me more crazy than sitting around waiting for my fishing buddy who is always at least 10 minutes late and sometimes as late as 30 minutes. Usually he texts me an excuse about having to take a mean crap. It’s not like he gets up to uncover and hitch up the boat and take a mean crap. Who doesn’t take a mean crap every morning? Or better yet, who doesn’t account for this when they have to be somewhere? Lateness drives me out of my mind. There is simply no reason to be late for anything ever. Geez, I wish he would get here soon. I’m gonna make him stay out in the heat longer.
I came to offer my condolences. You have my sympathy.
Or, you and your fishing buddy agree to meet @ 7:00. You get there at 7 to find his car, he has already hit the stream meaning your will be fishing "behind" his already fished water. Should not one at least wait a few minutes for their fishing buddy if they get there first? He always gets there an hour before the agreed upon time!
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How about the fishing buddy that won't get off the water and meet you at the agreed time & place for a streamside lunch break, dinner at Deb's or whatever. Instead he repeatedly keeps you and another fishing buddy waiting for hours instead of just saying he isn't interested...

Now referred to as an X-fishing buddy...
Unless the buddy is providing a boat, tackle, fried chicken, etc. just start fishing without him or her (unless you need their assistance). You can tell as many lies as you want to about the fish you hooked before they finally showed up.
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Tell him you want to meet a half hour before you really want to meet.

This. Standard operating procedure with with my father in law for about as long as I’ve known him. I’m considering upping it to an hour. There’s a segment of the population that doesn’t understand punctuality, and how it’s inconsiderate to regularly be late to everything. I don’t think they actually think they’re late. You’re not gonna change the behavior, so you have to change yours, and/or your expectations of them.

Wasn’t fishing related, but a few weeks ago on a Saturday he was to meet me at 9:00 at my house to pick up a lawnmower I fixed up for him to take up to camp. I had some other stuff to do that day, so I was kinda counting on him being on time, and in and out quick. I wanted to be there to help him load it in his vehicle. Rolled in to my driveway at quarter to noon.

Doesn’t make anyone a bad person, I love my FIL, and love fishing with him, but yeah, I get it.
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I am a puntual person. I hate being late to things. I really hate it when other people make me late for things and I have to wait for them.
I came to offer my condolences. You have my sympathy.
I was thinking along the same line too.

The guy who got me started in FFing just passed away couple weeks ago.
There was a real nice memorial service for him last weekend
And I've been doing a lot of reflecting back to those days
Jeez. You all need to chill out. You're gonna blow a gasket.

10 minutes isn't even late in my mind. At 30 mins, someone is starting to be late.
10 minutes isn't even late in my mind. At 30 mins, someone is starting to be late.

Exactly what I mean when I say people who are regularly late to everything don’t recognize they are late. When my FIL shows up to anything, he never acknowledges being late or apologizes for it, or asks when I got there or how long I was waiting. I honestly think that he thinks he was on time. It’s weird because he’s an overly considerate person in just about every other aspect of his life.

Look, once in a while something comes up last minute and everyone is a little late on occasion. No big deal. Some people are literally never on time, for anything though. And they don’t think, or maybe more accurately, don’t recognize that it’s rude or inconsiderate. Everyone’s just wired different I guess.
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When going out and my wife says that she's ready, I know I have at least 10 minutes, maybe 20. I just go and tie a couple of flies.
Habitual lateness is a mortal sin. It's total arrogance to assume that one's time is more important than anothers time. 10 minutes late is not a big deal-ONCE. Habitually, it's a total dick move.
I think being consistently late is rude and inconsiderate. I learned in the corporate world never to me late for a meeting. I have golf buddies who are just the opposite. Tee time 7:00 and they are already to go at 6:30. I get there 30 minutes early to warm up, take a few swings and they are already heading to the tee.
Instead of enabling this bad behavior by waiting, you should just leave without the fishing companion. That’s pretty much been the general rule among anglers I’ve known and it only takes once for the late angler to get the message.
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It can go overboard the other way too. I worked for a company briefly whose internal meeting guidelines were such that if you were to be in a meeting with a direct superior, you were to be there 15 minutes early. If any of the corporate brass, officer level or above, were to be there, 30 minutes early. Bright eyed and bushy tailed. And there were punitive measures taken if you weren’t “on time” based on the above guidelines. Maybe not the first time, but if you were regularly strolling in a couple minutes before the designated meeting start time, your boss definitely let you hear about it. Sometimes they’d deliberately start a meeting 15 or more minutes early to drive the point home. Why even have a designated start time? I literally had to hang up on clients sometimes to make a meeting’s required early arrival time. You’d think servicing our clients would be more important than listening to some jag talk about how we can work on “bringing more energy” to the office every day. 🖕

This was overkill and a waste of time in the other direction. I was far too busy and spread far too thin to waste 15-30 minutes a couple times a day twiddling my thumbs waiting for a meeting to start. (You weren’t allowed to bring your laptop to these meetings, for fear of it being a distraction during the meeting.) 🙄

On a heavy meeting day, I’d regularly have to work until 7 or 8 pm, just to complete my core responsibilities. I’d say this was 2-3 days/week, on average. Too many unnecessary meetings in general being part of the issue. And my boss looked at me like I had two heads when I tendered my 2 weeks.
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Controversial opinion here but perhaps taking this up with said person instead of the internet at large might be more constructive.

I try not to put myself in positions where Im fully reliant on other people to start or end fishing (driving myself, camping out the night before, etc) but I just don’t see the issue if you get running a little late. But fishing (especially with a buddy) is supposed to be fun- hell I’m always pushing a wawa stop for breakfast or to hit the bathroom. Never understood people who are so regimented about it that half an hour here or there is an issue but as someone else said, just tell them an hour earlier then you intend to leave. If they’re still late then tell them to drive themselves haha
My philosophy has been that if you are on time, you are late. If you are early, you are on time.

However, I've been married to someone who has no concept of time for nearly 41 years. Needless to say, I have learned to adjust.

This thread reminds me of an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond. "*** In Seat" it did not work out well for Ray.
My question, if you agree to fish with someone and you get there an hour before the agreed upon time, do you wait for them or go ahead and fish without them?
My question, if you agree to fish with someone and you get there an hour before the agreed upon time, do you wait for them or go ahead and fish without them?

I generally don’t shoot to get there that early. Usually leave myself a 15 or 20 minute buffer, in case I don’t have a #2 before I leave the house, and I’m “really percolating” on the drive, as Kramer says. If I get there 15 or 20 minutes early, I may gear up, but I won’t fish. Maybe take a quick doze in the car, or mess around on my phone, if I have service.

But, if I were to get there that early (like an hour) for some reason, I’d consider fishing, but not the stretch that my fishing buddy and I agreed to fish together. If we were planning on going upstream from the meeting point, I’d walk a few hundred yards downstream of the meeting spot, and fish back up to it, for example.