Last Time You Saw a PFBC WCO?

I have only seen one WCO in PA in all the years (70 or so) I've been fishing. That was this spring on a special reg section of a Lehigh Valley stream. He didn't check me. The only time I have ever been checked was in Maine, maybe 40+ years ago on Grand Lake Stream.
Does anyone run into these guy's regularly? Another thread made me think about it.
I don't think I've seen one in about 7 years, which is sort of disappointing. It's been even longer since one disturbed me to check my license. Maybe they're just sneaky and checking with binoculars? I'm not doing anything wrong, so checking me is little more than a minor inconvenience. I'd bet if they were out there more, they could find all kinds of people doing bad things.
Have never even run into one, kinda sad but its probably because there aren't many. Have heard of them being at local spots for derbies and such, but nothing other than that, not even for opening day. Huge respect to the ones out there though
In my first 42 years of fishing, I had two interactions with WCOs. One in the Geneva swamp in western PA and one on the DHALO section of Pickering in eastern PA. Over the past year, I've been checked FOUR times - Peters creek in Pittsburgh suburbs, FFO section Ridley creek outside Philly, and twice on Pine creek in central PA. My theory on this mostly revolves around the fact that I quit displaying my license this past year. I'm guessing there were more WCOs that saw me, but I never saw them in years past. All the interactions were pleasant and enjoyable, even one of the two on Pine Creek when I didn't have my license on me as I had not put a copy in my fishing life jacket (we were mostly kayaking that day). There's a copy in it now!