Larrys Creek (Lycoming County) - Jersey Shore Water Authority Access - Now Posted



Well-known member
May 3, 2011
Not normally the type of stream I’d talk about openly, but since it’s now posted…

Anyone know what happened/changed, and when? I know there’s some guys on here who know it and fish it, or used to anyway. I fished it a few times, most recently May 2021, I think, and there was the typical signage around the water authority facilities themselves, but there was a small parking lot with “park here” signs for hiking/fishing/hunting. That lot now has JSWA signs all over it with no parking/trespassing/fishing/hunting. A lot that would hold maybe 5 vehicles has like 15 signs surrounding it now…like just short of armed guard patrolling posted. It’s clear they don’t want people in there now.

Was up that way today and had to go to a plan B, once I saw the new situation up there. Bummer. Would love to know the story behind the change.
I have been having to go to plan J around dauphin, Leb, skook, cumberland county. I have worked my butt off like many to find access points where I can get away from people and find some good fishing. Id say since pandemic have lost 5 or 6 great stretches to posting. This is just another reason for PFBC to come into the 21st century, they could be buying some of these flood prone corridors instead of stocking a shrinking amount of streams with fickle voluntary land owner agreements. Never fished larry’s creek no idea what happened but more like this to come for sure. Thought it was interesting development dwarfed the amount or buffers planted by bay/10 million tree initiative in the chesapeake drainage. See you ALL on penns………so hot right now.

Anyone? I know there’s some guys on here who know what the deal is.
Jersey Shore has another nearby creek, a limestoner, which is pretty much posted top to bottom. That one is some weird club, leased deal. Should be illegal if you ask me. No idea on Larrys but that's a real shame.
I have been having to go to plan J around dauphin, Leb, skook, cumberland county. I have worked my butt off like many to find access points where I can get away from people and find some good fishing. Id say since pandemic have lost 5 or 6 great stretches to posting. This is just another reason for PFBC to come into the 21st century, they could be buying some of these flood prone corridors instead of stocking a shrinking amount of streams with fickle voluntary land owner agreements. Never fished larry’s creek no idea what happened but more like this to come for sure. Thought it was interesting development dwarfed the amount or buffers planted by bay/10 million tree initiative in the chesapeake drainage. See you ALL on penns………so hot right now.
According to what I saw on the PFBC web site when I was trying to find results from the recent Commission meeting, they are working on easement possibilities on 2 W. Pa streams, one in Erie and another two properties on a trout stream in a different county. I never found the Commission meeting results, however.
According to what I saw on the PFBC web site when I was trying to find results from the recent Commission meeting, they are working on easement possibilities on 2 W. Pa streams, one in Erie and another two properties on a trout stream in a different county. I never found the Commission meeting results, however.
I just attended the chesapeake bay watershed brook trout conference and they touched on 30%by 2030 initiative and commented about how we have lost soo much more to development than we have planted. Like 6 times as much or something I forget. Would think if PFBC wanted to rebalance hatchery vs. access allocation they could probably get some matching dollars to acquire more access easements that would serve to protect against development. It could be done for conservation or social reasons. Lehigh and cumberland county are two of the most rapidly developing areas where you could save some good wetland ecosystems, provide access near growing big population centers.

It sucks to lose your favorite fishing spot or just a really good one to posting swatty. Although I am sure your no stranger to this. happened to me on the stream I taught my self to night fish on that had high 20’s wild invasive brown trout that were pretty fun to go after not too too far from home. Larrys I had heard good things about fishing wise thats ashame.
Yeah, it wasn’t on my “don’t tell anyone about it” list, but it was a nice stream. Relatively good sized, but still gave you a small stream feel.

There’s a SGL stretch further upstream, but the habitat is much better in the JSWA stretch, and it was nice because it was essentially roadless up through there once you got back in a little ways.

There’s many, many, many similar places in PA that are on public land and available to fish, but it sucks to lose one, and I’ll miss this one.
I fished up there a couple years ago. I remember driving up to that water authority parking lot and seeing some posted signs. It was kind of unclear if you could fish or not so I drove down to the next downstream bridge and fished up.
The Jersey Shore Area Joint Water Authority has a website, Facebook page and a phone number posted...

You might try asking them...
The one person I work with lives right across from the water company. I asked him and he doesn't know. Said it happened just a couple weeks ago. I remember fishing there years ago.
Thanks for the responses and discussion. I considered calling the WA, but from experience with prior similar situations with different water authorities, lumber companies, and/or conservancy type outfits, doubted I would get a straight answer. And I think that doubt was likely well placed.

I got a PM from someone close to the situation…thank you to the board member who sent it. Out of respect for that board member and what they chose to share privately versus publicly, I’m not going to elaborate on the details further here.

Short version, it’s complicated, and a fluid situation at the moment. The important players both locally and at the state level know about it, and are trying for an amicable resolution first and foremost that restores walk in (only) access to SGL 114 (and Larrys as a result) from the south.

Edit: In the meantime, as should be standard practice in these types of matters, respect the posting and fish (or hunt) elsewhere, or make the lengthy (several mile) hike in the from the northern SGL access.
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I just attended the chesapeake bay watershed brook trout conference and they touched on 30%by 2030 initiative and commented about how we have lost soo much more to development than we have planted. Like 6 times as much or something I forget. Would think if PFBC wanted to rebalance hatchery vs. access allocation they could probably get some matching dollars to acquire more access easements that would serve to protect against development. It could be done for conservation or social reasons. Lehigh and cumberland county are two of the most rapidly developing areas where you could save some good wetland ecosystems, provide access near growing big population centers.

It sucks to lose your favorite fishing spot or just a really good one to posting swatty. Although I am sure your no stranger to this. happened to me on the stream I taught my self to night fish on that had high 20’s wild invasive brown trout that were pretty fun to go after not too too far from home. Larrys I had heard

I just attended the chesapeake bay watershed brook trout conference and they touched on 30%by 2030 initiative and commented about how we have lost soo much more to development than we have planted. Like 6 times as much or something I forget. Would think if PFBC wanted to rebalance hatchery vs. access allocation they could probably get some matching dollars to acquire more access easements that would serve to protect against development. It could be done for conservation or social reasons. Lehigh and cumberland county are two of the most rapidly developing areas where you could save some good wetland ecosystems, provide access near growing big population centers.

It sucks to lose your favorite fishing spot or just a really good one to posting swatty. Although I am sure your no stranger to this. happened to me on the stream I taught my self to night fish on that had high 20’s wild invasive brown trout that were pretty fun to go after not too too far from home. Larrys I had heard good things about fishing wise thats ashame.
The Chesapeake bay foundation is one of the biggest problems our state has ever faced! They are a leading cause to the problems with funding! Look up operation scarlift and more into the mine drainage over the last 60 years. Maryland and deleware want to take our mining funds to fix the chesapeake bay damage when our mines are a completely different funding not the leading cause and contracted specifically for reclamation. If people keep going blindsided by it our state won't know how to fight back and will be faced paying that 250 mil into the chesapeake.