Lake Marburg Seminar - 16 Feb 2013



Active member
Sep 9, 2006
On 16 Feb there will be a fishing seminar near Hanover covering Lake Marburg, a lake located in nearby Codorus State Park. Admission is free. I'm assuming this deals mainly with gear fishing and perhaps no fly fishing but, as I've long argued on this forum, fly fishers can become better anglers by occasionally using spin gear or talking to spin fishermen. Marburg is one of the few lakes I fish on a somewhat regular basis as I personally prefer flowing water however I'm looking forward to this event and hope to attend. If you like Lake Marburg as I know some of you do, check out the details attached.


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Fishidiot wrote:
Marburg is one of the few lakes I fish on a somewhat regular basis as I personally prefer flowing water however I'm looking forward to this event and hope to attend.


Thanks, dude. They had one last year at the exact spot. I'll be there.

I know a couple "Euro" carpers who fish that lake all the time. They use 12' rods with a "hair rig" system and mount the rods on neat electronic bite sensors. Don't laugh, I purchased a couple 12' rods myself! LOL

You said that you don't fish that lake in mid summer? Well, that is the best time for fly fishing! Every afternoon the big bluegills and schools of white perch roam the top. You can see the hundreds of fish making wakes on the surface. I've caught hundreds on top (water depth is around 20') with a 3wt and unweighted nymphs or unweighted white woolybuggers.

No matter how hard it rains, Marburg is always clean and clear. Almost no pollution, it's a fly fishing paradise!

Thanks again for the Head's Up,