Lake Marburg biologists survey report now on PFBC site



Well-known member
Nov 10, 2006
The survey specifically targeted Muskellunge with trap nets, but there was substantial and interesting by-catch of other species as well, all posted on a table within the report.
Very interesting - thanks!

The results are very good, although not entirely surprising: a trophy fishery with good numbers of big fish. All those white perch and gizzard shad have really got 'em fat. Hope you didn't hurt your back with that 50 incher. :)

I'm a bit surprised (not much) that tigers have not thrived and are going to be dropped. Going forward, if it were me, I'd save the Marburg tiger budget and put it to striped bass for this lake.

The survey can be viewed here.
In effect, we already have; striper fingerlings have been stocked over the past two summers. Early growth rates are fast and encouraging, with summer-stocked 2-4 inch fingerlings reaching 8 inches by October. Now hearing of 12-14 inchers.
Range of black crappie up to 18"?!!! Holy cow
Ah, a man who is willing to dig out the fine points from the tables. Very good!