Lake Arthur flats



New member
Jul 1, 2011
Hey guys, new guy here just wondering if anyone had any tips on fishing the lake Arthur flats?? Fished there today and had a few bluegills but I really want to get into some bass. Would anyone mind giving me a few tips on how to find the fish on an area like this?


Hi Tom,
Not a Lake Arthur guy here so take it FWIW. Bass are cover oriented fish and prone to feed under low light conditions (as you probably know - sorry for the fundamentals lecture). Look for stumps, weed edges, or creek channels and fish these in the morning and evenings. Also, about this time of year, water temps send bass to deeper water and mid lake structure. Often, however, they'll forage in the shallows at night. If you can get out at the crack of dawn you'll find 'em on flats but usually once the sun is up they retreat to deep water or embedd themselves in lily pads and thick cover.
I've been fishing Lake Arthur for over 30 years. When you say fishing the flats for bass, I assume you are fishing for hybrid stripers? There are much better places to fish for largemouth bass than the mud flats on the lake, that's for sure. This time of year, hybrid stripers come onto the flats at night, usually after 11 or 12. Sometimes if the weather is cloudy and or stormy, they'll move on the flats during the day. When they are around you'll know it. They'll take Clousers, buggers, streamers, Zonkers, bunny strips, etc. Sometimes poppers. I always fish with white in the patterns. From personal experience: the game has changed over the years. The fish are pressured much more. They used to show themselves by busting bait on the flats. Easy to see the school location. They rarely do this anymore. So you just have to keep casting and hoping. Sometimes all you end up with is a sore arm. But then you hit into a school one night and you end up with a sore arm for a whole other reason. :-D Hope this helped. Good luck.
Thanks for the tips guys...definitely helped a lot, I'll have to go out there at night some night soon. Never fly fished at night Before though, I'll let you know how it goes!