Keeping your cool



Mar 7, 2013
Fill a two liter soda bottle about 90% with water and freeze it. It will last for a long time in your cooler and provide cold drinking water while it melts. I've been able to keep a six cold in the field for after fishing enjoyment in even the hottest days (like normally we drink bottles eh?). I can fit a frozen 2liter, a six of my favorites (currently Sierra Nevada Torpedo IPA) and a few sandwiches in a larger Playmate cooler. Perfect for a day trip to yer favorite feeshin' locale!

Gallon milk jugs are great in larger coolers. GG
The other nice thing about summer fishing (I go out early), my coffee stays warm in the car all day long!!
When I was a big coffee drinker, I had a steel thermos. I boiled water and preheated the thermos with it. Coffee stayed hot for 8-12 hours, summer or winter.
Wet wading keeps you cool but does not stop you from becoming dehydrated. If your waiting for that ice to melt before you enjoy a cool wet one you may have waited to long. That is similar to waiting tell your mouth feels dry. Play it safe and always carry (water that is) especially if you plan on staying out fishing all day.
Coffee, sodas, alcohol and power drinks are not an alternative to replacing water that has evaporated out of your system. stay needing to pee and your system will surely be pleased.
Should have said "provides an additional water source"
instead. I always have at least two liters of water in the truck with an extra bottle to slip in the back pocket of the vest. 24+ years (and counting) in the Army have taught me a few things about hydration.
+1 on PennypackFlyers advice (good catch PPF)
I retired from the Navy after 20 years - spent 3 1/2 years with the Marines out of 29 palms during that timeframe. Learned alot about dehydration.