Kaypok Dry Fly Dubbing



Apr 6, 2011
Has any tried or does anyone use this material by Semperfli?

It reportedly floats well. I was just wondering if it dubs tightly.

It is not in my local shops and was looking for feedback before ordering some.
I see nobody has responded to this, so I'll offer what little information I have. I've not tried the new kapok dubbing and I probably won't. I don't have tying plans that would make it a worthwhile buy for me.

As usual, there is very little under the sun that is new. 30 or more years ago, there was a kapok dubbing on market called K-Dub, as I recall. It took dye very poorly (something the new variety says has been addressed now). In terms of how tightly it dubbed, I'd say it dubbed (at least for me) almost too tightly. It was very wispy (as is plain old kapok if you ever took an old PFD apart and looked at it). I didn't much care for it to be truthful. That doesn't mean this new stuff isn't a lot better, though.

You could buy a few packages and see what you think and if you don't like it, you aren't out all that much.


When I started tying - mid '80's - we used it in my fly tying class to make light cahill bodies.

Was told it came from PFD's.
It was creamy tan in color, and I found it rather easy to dub with.
The flies floated well with it.
But I really can't remember it working much better than any other fir or poly dubbing I've used

FWIW - I've always tied hackled dry flies

tried it years ago, also used milkweed for wings.