Just kind of my story... Thought it might encourage some



New member
Sep 1, 2010
I picked up a fly rod in the attempt to catch fish when I was about 12. With a love to trout fish I set out to try this seemingly mythical form of fishing. With no instruction and no knowledge and a hand full of flies that imitated god only knows what at the time it was hardly a recipe for success. After several days of not even getting a trout to bite i like most other people abandoned the fly rod and went back to drowning worms and flipping minnows. Along my pursuit of trout the next 10 years I kept bumping into these fly fisherman along the stream and they were catching fish! I was as well but in much fewer numbers. So fly fishing always nagged at the back of my brain but I never had the patience to learn. Well time progressed as it does my sister got married and low and behold my new brother In law had a fly rod and used it occaisionally. My interest piqued and began formulating a plan of attack to unravel this "mystery" my birthday falls the week before trout season and being that I've always been a bit of a trout nut. My birthday was filled with fishing supplies. I went shopping the week before my birthday and low and behold stumbled upon a 8'6 fenwick my mother was along and said she hadn't got me a present yet did I want that rod. Needless to say I got the rod! My brother in law had a spare reel with line and backing on it I bought a few tapered leaders a few wooly buggers and hairs ears and headed fishing! Still skeptical opening day came with me using my spinning rod. After the initial opening day 3 days later found me on a stream with a fly rod not doin to well spending more time in the brush than anything. Dissapointed I got the spinning rod out of my car( I carried both then) fished with awhile.  Then it happened nor knowing anything about flies I had a few wooly buggers and had never fished one in my life. I decided to throw one on and give the fly rod another try. Flipped it around in there an boom! I caught a fish and a little ways up another and then another. I thought well I'm liking this so that's all I fished with. I began outfishing my buddies and I only used one fly. After that I began reading all I could get my buddy turned me on to nymph fishin saying that "you think you catch them on streamers watch this" he was right nymphing is very productive!   His dad gave me a crash course in tying nymphs. My casting improved and I shed the spinning rod and haven't looked back since I'm getting decent at tying and learned to fish drys. It's not rocket science like most people think it's about paying attention to what's around you. And knowing the basics of a trouts habits and the life cycle of the aquatic life your imitating.

I wrote this about two years ago and found it recently and thought it may be useful to some on here.

i would like your old fenwick rod.
send it to me.
i will be your friend, then.
Haha I still use it..... Serves me well

When you deem my friendship neccessary, you know the price.

Enjoy it!
Great story, glad it worked out.

Wooly buggers huh? I'll try those my next time out.

Thanks and good fishing!
Thats about the way I started out, at age 15, around the time that PA opened the FFO area on Ridley Creek. I sold a new spinning rod and reel to a friend, and bought a Garcia flyfishing outfit from Cabelas. I didn't know anyone that flyfished or tied flies. I never had any lesson on fishing or flytying.
Great story as I can kind of relate to it. I'm pretty much on my own too, but I'm starting to figure it out with great help on this forum.
arbor1 wrote:
Great story as I can kind of relate to it. I'm pretty much on my own too, but I'm starting to figure it out with great help on this forum.

It's a lot easier today, with the internet and the videos (that I'm missing out on because of being on dial up.)and this site. If you want to know something and ask you'll get a lot of answers.
Truly inspirational. Im going to catch my first trout on the fly tomorrow or this weekend. Whenever i can ditch this computer long enough.
Yotrout wrote:
Truly inspirational. Im going to catch my first trout on the fly tomorrow or this weekend. Whenever i can ditch this computer long enough.

Hope you catch a lot of them.
my story is also similar except for the fact that I was 60 when I saw the light. Had we not scheduled a trip to yellowstone in 2008 I would still be fishing with and ultalight spinning outfit and minnows. I was a very successful minnnow fisherman over the years but now thanks to a few friends and a good casting and tying instructor named Sandfly I can tie my own flies and cast them in the water and catch fish. I am not always successful as I was when minnow fishing but I enjoy it more. I tie all my own flies and I find this a much more enjoyable form of fishing. My wife who was always a corn chucker is now a fly fisherperson also and likes it as well. Her reason for using corn she caught lots of fish and it didnt dirty her hands. With me giving her flies she just puts them on and viola no wormy or slimey hands to deal with and she doesnt even have to tie or buy her flies they just magically appear when needed.
Glad you guys enjoyed it. It can be really hard starting out. Good luck and tight lines!
My story is similar. My brother and I spin fished all throughout our youth, and he took up fly fishing when he was in high school...that was 29 years ago. He stuck with it, and found himself in State College for the last 20 or more years...not a bad place to end up, right?

I got away from fishing for a few years, and when I got back into it, I would make at least two trips up to Happy Valley every year...he would fly fish, I would cast lures. I always found it intriguing that after all those years, he never carried a fly rod. We both caught fish, but he seemed to have more fun. Over the years, he tried to teach me, but I never had the patience to learn.

The closer I got to 40 (I am nearly 44) I found that I became more patient. I bought my first Orvis outfit 3 1/2 years ago and never looked back. Now I find that my spinning rods have been hanging in the garage for 3 1/2 years. Those years of spin fishing with my brother tought me where the trout "should" be, and that's half the battle, right? Now I am in deep...like most of the guys on here. I now tie and fish exclusively with my fly rod. I picked up a cheap Albright 3 weight for brookies, I have a 5 weight for most trout streams, and a 6 weight for smallies, although I have not had the opportunity to fly fish for smallies much yet.

Fly fishing is a hobby that has taught me a lot of things...patience, appreciation for those days of just being on the stream, respect for a limited resource, and lots of other things that most of you on the board already know.

Currently I am looking forward to an annual fly fishing trip with my brother and good friend for Stripers and my annual pilgrimage to Shenandoah National Park for brookies!

Be well,

Thanks Buffalo! Trying to get out at daybreak tomorrow. I have a 9:30am call but im gonna have to take that one in my car. Hopefully the water has settled from the rain.