John Arway - Resignation

afishinado wrote:
I would like to wish Mr. Arway many years of good fishing in his retirement.

Hear hear!
Kudos to JA for his many years of service and best wishes for a happy retirement (time to string up the fishin rods).
CRB wrote:
With this change in leadership it time for us to man up and demand change in our legislature in particular term limits. My State Rep Just died while serving. rep fabrizio was first elected in 2003, 15 years ago, 7 terms. That is unacceptable and demands change in these elected "self appointed higher than the common man".

While I respect your opinion it is because I respect your right to be wrong. Legislators terms are limited by 2 years. If you want to vote your Representatives out, go ahead, no one is stopping you. If I want to keep mine, I don't want you or anyone else telling me that I can't.
Amen! Thank you Mr. Arway for all u have done for PA, our fish, and anglers. We all owe you a huge debt of gratitude! Enjoy your well-earned retirement... maybe I’ll run into you on a stream or river somewhere! Thank you again!
But back to Fishtales, let me say that from what I saw and read of him, his heart and efforts were in the right place. It is sad if he had to go before he was ready, but if he had enough of the politics, I am happy that he is able to move on. Besides getting more time to fish, maybe he will immerse himself in a local or state-wide advocacy group where he can lend his knowledge to the cause of continuing to reform the way our great Commonwealth views and manages its waterways.
Looking forward to the new leadership and their views on things...
