John Arway - Resignation



Well-known member
May 26, 2009
I just heard from a reputable source that John Arway has been asked to resign by a state representative.

Different tale from the horses mouth. This link was found on Mr. Arway's Twitter account.
Retiring on the second.

I'm retiring on the first.

First chance I get.
I hope we will hear more candid comments from Fishtales as a result. I found this poignant:

"My only regret is that I failed to achieve a sustainable future for the agency and its programs."

Not true at all, but beautifully humble.
JackM wrote:
I hope we will hear more candid comments from Fishtales as a result. I found this poignant:

"My only regret is that I failed to achieve a sustainable future for the agency and its programs."

Not true at all, but beautifully humble.

I think it's a very true statement on his part. He's certainly not to blame, but the PFBC is under water financially and there is not a clear sustainable future path, without some changes that no one seems to be willing to make.

Him retiring on Nov. 2 doesn't preclude a state rep from pressuring him from retiring. I've known a number of people that "retired" but it was either agree to that or be fired.
With this change in leadership it time for us to man up and demand change in our legislature in particular term limits. My State Rep Just died while serving. rep fabrizio was first elected in 2003, 15 years ago, 7 terms. That is unacceptable and demands change in these elected "self appointed higher than the common man".
I am sorry to read this. IMO, Arway has been the most effective leader of the PFBC since Ralph Abele. I believe Arway did indeed do his duty and feared no one. He really tried to do the right things. He is really going to be difficult -- if not impossible -- to replace. He has earned our respect and our thanks.
Any idea who is to possibly replace Arway? I heard rumors before that the next replacement might go the opposite direction Arway was going with a lot of programs especially the wild trout but that was almost a year ago.
Thank you Mr Arway for your service. Sorry to see you go, but best wishes for your retirement.

A short time back I told Commissioner Len Lichvar I had been pressuring my legislators to support the PAFBC. I will continue to do so on behalf of the next Executive Director.
Here's a thought. Perhaps "reliable sources" and "rumors" should be ignored.
I like Mr. Arway because he fought for what he wanted and wasn't afraid to ruffle some feathers in the process .
But with that being said several people I have talk to that work in the commission were not fans of him.
I heard the same from another source. It would appear humility was not in his forte so much.

I hope this will open the door for the Oswayo hatchery to be salvaged. I support the stocking program for the boost it gives to waterways that would otherwise have no, or very few, trout.

I wish him well in his retirement and the PFBC well in finding a good leader that can promote all the best our fisheries offer.
I think this change may be good. Who knows there might even be better landowner relationships...

John Arway has done more for PA anglers and the resource in his 38 year career than many on this forum have or will ever see again in their lifetime. His accomplishments, passionate and tireless work approach speaks volumes both in PA and on the National level. He always was always out front on the issues of the day. Those who know John know this...those who don't please take the time to find out. His vision, purpose, and passion for the PFBC and it's mission is unmatched. It was always about Resource First, anglers, and boaters of PA, not himself. His selfliness is a quality not so common these days.

I am fortunate to know John, and I am even more grateful he was an advocate for all of us and the resource. Bravo Zulu.

Thanks to all for your interest in our Commonwealth fisheries and voicing opinions about how to make things better. All I can offer is that I listened to all of your opinions on this Board and many other listserves, forums and blogs along with attending countless public meetings where I was always the first to arrive and the last to leave. I believe that I did my duty by dedicating 38 years of my life to the PFBC, Commonwealth anglers and boaters and the aquatic resources of our Commonwealth. The last 8 as Director were 24/7 365. I also feared no one but although that may seem insensitive to some it meant that I made decisions without fear of the consequences of my actions. This of course made many people inside and outside of the agency unhappy but I didn’t take the job to make everyone happy. I’ll let that for the those who run for elected office. BTW- politics had absolutely no influence over my decision to retire. Those who disagree with my leadership style or my approach at managing the agency can now step up, apply for the job and dedicate their time and efforts to advancing Resource First.

I am most proud to be a small part of a generation that was able to improve fishing opportunities in Commonwealth as measured by the fact that we have more waters to fish today than when we were children. That my fellow anglers is what it is all about. Now I’m going to enjoy the fruits of a life’s labor with friends and family while those of you evaluate the performance of the next Director. Arway over and out!
I wish Mr. Arway the best.

That said, some of my endeavors have brought me further into the inner workings of Harrisburg and I suspect this retirement is not entirely without that influence.

However, I do believe that Mr. Arway is proverbially “killing two birds with one stone.”

On one hand, he has been in our service for a respectable amount of time. Much of that has been spent trying to place the commission in a better position to serve its customers and those who benefit from its services.

On the other hand, his direction has led the commission into direct confrontation with outside interests that do not necessarily benefit from a robust clean water and public access supportive entity.

Aye, there’s the rub.

As you all know, it has been since 2005 that the PFBC has had funding increase. And Mr. Arway will always be remembered for his efforts to secure responsible funding for the commission going forward.

SB30 was their best bet to assure this but it has been since marred by Mr. Arway’s comments late last year regarding the consequences of lack of support and the suggested appropriations of stocked fish.

While I believe that turn about is fair play, this was ultimately a bridge too far for our representatives who sinced introduced SB 935 in the spring.

Since then apologies were made and sabers were placed back in their collective hilts. But the fallout of such a public confrontation is not without consequence.

It is my suspicion that in order to clear the water and better pave the way for a more secure financial further for the PFBC Mr. Arway recognized the time was right for his departure.

I have followed John’s work since I was a younger college student writing about HB1576 and his work during the hearings in that issue significantly guide my attitude of respect and transparency towards those who disagree with our efforts to bolster wild trout habitat in our commonwealth.

I had the pleasure of having dinner with John and many of the commissioners after the last quarterly meeting. Old Lefty sat with me and we shared the same observations. John was as respectful of his friends as he was of his opponents. That is a trait i find most releasing and encouraging.

All of this to say: I realize there is a push for dramatic changes in the PFBC and many of the causes I sympathize with. However, we must maintain a respectful, transparent, and scientific approach to how we govern our commonwealth waters less we should open the door to a more unsavory and uneducated approach that would be easily dismissed or overturned.

In plain English that reads: change in Pa is a four letter word and as such we need to speak it carefully and with respect to all of our fellow anglers.

John did his best to balance everyone’s interests and it will be interesting to see where we go from here. The best thing we can do as fly anglers is to speak up for what we care for and learn more about how to bring other folks on board.

Our state is really in the cross hairs on many issues. As a good friend once told me: when it comes to Harrisburg, you’re either at the table or you’re on the menu.
TimRobinsin wrote:

All of this to say: I realize there is a push for dramatic changes in the PFBC and many of the causes I sympathize with.

What dramatic changes are being pushed for with the PFBC?

It seems to me that the legislators have been doing the same thing for a very long time:

1) Starving the PFBC of money.

2) Demanding that every stream in the state loaded up with hatchery trout, including native brook trout and wild brown trout streams.

Maybe there are some dramatic changes being pushed for behind the scenes. If so, what are those changes?

FishTales wrote:
Thanks to all for your interest in our Commonwealth fisheries and voicing opinions about how to make things better. All I can offer is that I listened to all of your opinions on this Board and many other listserves, forums and blogs along with attending countless public meetings where I was always the first to arrive and the last to leave. I believe that I did my duty by dedicating 38 years of my life to the PFBC, Commonwealth anglers and boaters and the aquatic resources of our Commonwealth. The last 8 as Director were 24/7 365. I also feared no one but although that may seem insensitive to some it meant that I made decisions without fear of the consequences of my actions. This of course made many people inside and outside of the agency unhappy but I didn’t take the job to make everyone happy. I’ll let that for the those who run for elected office. BTW- politics had absolutely no influence over my decision to retire. Those who disagree with my leadership style or my approach at managing the agency can now step up, apply for the job and dedicate their time and efforts to advancing Resource First.

I am most proud to be a small part of a generation that was able to improve fishing opportunities in Commonwealth as measured by the fact that we have more waters to fish today than when we were children. That my fellow anglers is what it is all about. Now I’m going to enjoy the fruits of a life’s labor with friends and family while those of you evaluate the performance of the next Director. Arway over and out!

Thanks for all your hard work and dedication over the years John .
Congrats on your well earned retirement .
troutbert wrote:
TimRobinsin wrote:

All of this to say: I realize there is a push for dramatic changes in the PFBC and many of the causes I sympathize with.

What dramatic changes are being pushed for with the PFBC?

It seems to me that the legislators have been doing the same thing for a very long time:

1) Starving the PFBC of money.

2) Demanding that every stream in the state loaded up with hatchery trout, including native brook trout and wild brown trout streams.

Maybe there are some dramatic changes being pushed for behind the scenes. If so, what are those changes?

I feel Arway was doing a decent job at getting more streams to attempt to be wild trout waters not in need of stocking. I'm afraid of things going back to the days of every stream getting stocked. We have to try to keep our wild streams wild and self sustaining. I'm hoping the future executive director continues to push in the direction Arway was going with the trout program (average license buyers needs to be educated more) but I also agree lots of legislators will not be in favor of that.
John Arway dedicated nearly his entire adult life to the PFBC, workinging to preserve, protect and enhance our waterways for fish and fishing.

His efforts fighting for clean water have benefited all citizens of our state, not just anglers.

We should all give thanks to him for his service, as well all others that serve us in the PFBC.

I would like to wish Mr. Arway many years of good fishing in his retirement.