Jamboree Photo Page is up!



Staff member
Sep 9, 2006
York, Pennsyltucky
Well I finally got the page together. You can view it by going to the Jamboree page and clicking the sub-menu or by clicking here.
Jamboree Photo Page

I took so many pics I did it a s thumbnails and linked higher res pics to each. If you click on the pics you can get a larger version and enlarge again for better resolution.

I hope you enjoy the pictures. And I hope others share theirs. It was a great time had by all who attended. In spite of the temperatures of Big Pine, we found fish and bugs and wild trout and even the occasional kayak hatch. I enjoyed this Jamboree more than most because of the variety of water available. Of course I had the "good" camper. Accomodations are important but the fishing is what it''s all about and it was here this year.

I enjoyed meeting some new folks including Matt Bowyer, Jay L , Bruno, Sandfly and George. Every year a few new guys show up to add to the excitement. I was disappointed we didn't get to meet Festus but he had that health issue. I can't wait until next years and where it might be. Where ever it may be I am sure it will be a great time.

Check out the pics above and consider joining us next year. You won't be disappointed.

Thanks to all who attended and happy fishing. It will be 72 here tomorrow so I will be checking out the evening hatch along my home water.

Hi Maurice,

Great review and photographs of the weekend. Glad to see you guys made it over to First Fork. What should someone put on to match that Kayak hatch?

dkile wrote:
Hi Maurice,

Great review and photographs of the weekend. Glad to see you guys made it over to First Fork. What should someone put on to match that Kayak hatch?


I'm thinking you'd want to take something off.

You should have seen the 18 farmer tanned rednecks that followed her. MOOBS were jigglin through the riffles on Pine that day.
Bumping this because I added some more pics...basically the first 6 and two in the Lick Run area. Enjoy...you gotta see the one of the fish Hank caught.

Updated Jamboree Page
Dear Maurice,

Looks like you had a good time. I'm going to make next year's Jam come Hell or high water.

I went to the first one when Jeff tied the knot and I saw Jeff and some of the rest of you folks three years ago up at Cedar Run that Saturday before the "twistnadoes" blew in and wrecked the fishing. I mostly sat outside Jack Steel's "camp" and drank beer but I still got see a lot of you folks. I still got to argue with Chaz so it was an official "Jamboreee" for me!

We have a good crew here and I miss not being able to get out and about with you guys. The last Jam participant I fished with was my "main man" Jack M. back in March.

Next year will be different. I'm going to hit the PowerBall and you can all camp in my backyard, it'll be like Yasgur's Farm baby, I promise! :-D

Tim Murphy :)
TimMurphy wrote:
.... it'll be like Yasgur's Farm baby, I promise! :-D

Tim Murphy :)


as long as you grow trout or beer on your farm it will be a success. Either or would work. Enough of one has always compensated for lack of the other.
...but stay away from the brown acid ;-)

peace- tony c.
Tony, we missed you this year. Hopefully, you'll be available next year. See you then.

It was bad timing for me, being the first weekend in June (deck season and the place has been packed every night). That and my truck broke down a week before the Jam. If the thunder don't get ya, the lightning will ;-)

Sure did miss hanging out and fishing with the best group of people i've ever met. I'll try harder next year to plan ahead and get the time off.

peace-tony c.
Here are some more photos from the Jamboree.

A couple Jam Attendees starting the fire:


Jam Attendees gathered in the pavillion:



The Poster Maurice made to help decorate my luxurious camper:

Santino on the stream:

Brandon with a monster stocked brook trout from the Allegheny River upstream a few miles from Coudersport. I think its belly was full of natives: