ITT we expose our Basses

Fly was tied this morning size 2 deceiver .

Great photo! Definitely one for the scrapbook. Take advantage of those days, they don't last forever.

Thxs I think he likes to fish just as much as I do which is always a plus means more fishing for me .
Two fine lower susquehanna smallmouth from yesterday. jpg 15 was 20


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delta_dog wrote:
Re: ITT we expose our Basses by lv2nymph on 2013/7/18 5:21:44 Looks like they're eating good Dan, nice fish.

Lol.....I don't think so. Theses are more precious to me than Brookies.
Ya got me wrong, I meant the fish are eating good ( fatties )
icyguides wrote:
Two fine lower susquehanna smallmouth from yesterday. jpg 15 was 20

Those are two really nice fish and the fact that they came from the lower Susq makes them all the more impressive.
Thanks McSneek, I was ecstatic to catch those two nice bass. The photo doesn't do the larger one justice, but it was a personal best smallie on any gear for me, much less a fly rod. It was the best day i've had on the lower susq in a long time. I also caught 1 very healthy looking 8 inch bass and my dad caught one just like it. I'd assume the little guys are 2nd yr fish. I was very happy to see healthy small bass, because the past few years most of the little guys i've seen have had sores.

It was great to have a little bit of optimism restored about the bass in the lower susq. Assuming we can get through august without too much drought+heat, I think the water conditions this year will be good for yoy survival too.
Went out for an about an hour yesterday. Had the first really good smallmouth outing of the year for me (summer school put a big dent in my time on the water). I caught several bass, two were noteworthy and deserved a photo shoot. The first fish was coaxed out from under a logjam with a small crayfish pattern. The second fish was a much better story. There was an uprooted tree that was sitting at the drop off where a riffle dumps into a pool. The tail of this pool has been productive in the past, but the riffle and head of the pool are very tough to fish because you get hung up in the tree roots. I took a big yellow popper and fished it down river, letting it drift over the drop off and almost touch the tree roots. As it got near the roots, I would strip it up river a bit, making sure that it dove under water and then let it float to the surface as the current carried it back towards the tree roots. I saw a dark form appear from nowhere and the popper got hammered as the fly reached the surface on the second strip. The fish dove for the root ball. I had to work it downstream and around the tree roots to avoid getting wrapped up in the roots and breaking off. The aerial display began after I turned the fish and worked it down into the tail of the pool. The first fish might have been bigger, but catching this fish was much more memorable. Working such a tough lie, seeing the fish rise and eat on the surface, and then the leaping aerial display made this the fish of the day, and the bass of the summer!


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You folks are killin me with the smallies! Took a hard skunking this past weekend...gotta get back out soon.

I love seeing the different markings (or lack thereof) and shades on the SMBs. Even just within PA, this thread shows there's a ton of variety.
Been floating the Lehigh and having a blast. Caught a few biguns yesterday evening. Flows are perfect and the weather has been as well.
Nice bass everyone. I've been out a bit,not as much as I'd like. Caught about 5 SMB and so far biggest was 14". All from small streams.
I fished a new stretch of my favorite small stream over the weekend. Easily one of my best afternoons bassing with a fly rod. I landed 8 fish between 14-16", which is incredible for this stream. Usually, if I get one 16" smallie from this stream, Im ecstatic. Then, I was fishing the classic "railrod trestle hole", which was more of a deep run, and I hooked up with a bruiser. I was standing on the bridge column, so I had to fight the fish back to the other end of the column where I could jump down(and not land in 6 fow) and net it. I truly thought I had my first 20" on the fly, but it wasnt meant to be. Taped out at 18.75-19". Still, one of my better smallmouth. I caught one on spinning gear back in may on the yough that had to be 20, cause i could barely fit it in my net, and my net opening is 20" with a deep basket. It flopped out of the net before I could get back to the bank to photograph it. Anyways, that fish tale is for another day. Back to yesterday. I retrieved my barbless fly no probs, but saw something in the fish's mouth. I thought i twas puking a baitfish/crayfish, but it turned out to be a 3-4" tube hooked in the fish's tongue area. It still had 3" of line attached to it. I felt terrible, so I tried to get the tube out, but it had to have had a barbed hook. I tried for 10 seconds, couldnt do it easily, so I decided to release the fish with the tube in its mouth. I felt like I was going to do more harm than good, what do you think? The good news is the tube wasnt hooked in the gut/gills, so im hoping this doesnt turn out to be a fatal injury. I would love to have that fish reach 20" for me. Finished the day with revisiting a big pool that didnt produce earlier in the afternoon, and hooked up with another bruiser. I had one deep run from the fish, then a huge aerial display, and it was off. Looked to be in the same class as the big one of the day. Maybe that is my 20"er waiting to be caught. I love fishing new water when it produces. Pics to come when I get home from work.
Pics from the afternoon


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Here is one of my bigger ones I have caught on the fly rod. It grabbed a triple p popper on the Lehigh. It pulled my toon and I around for a little bit. Not such a small feat. I also landed a 20 inch rainbow with the popper a few days later, but that is another story.


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SBecker wrote:
Here is one of my bigger ones I have caught on the fly rod. It grabbed a triple p popper on the Lehigh. It pulled my toon and I around for a little bit. Not such a small feat. I also landed a 20 inch rainbow with the popper a few days later, but that is another story.

That is one of the darkest smallies ive seen. Its nearly black! How big was it?
About 15 inches I'd say.
Aug. 5th Susqhehanna North Branch white fly madness

That's a Joe Ackourey moth imitation stuck in the upper jaw

